Story #2The Green Dragon
Unknown. Penciler/Inker:
John Romita.
Steve and
Bucky are in Korea, standing guard outside the meeting place for the peace talks. They spot a shadowy figure sneaking away and attempt to arrest him but the spy gets away, leaving behind a button with a picture of a green dragon. They learn that a list of names of American sympathizers among the Chinese was stolen by members of the
Green Dragon, a secret society that worships the legendary monster that according to folklore, will rise again when China’s people are in need. Changing to
Captain America and Bucky, they sneak into China to the location of the huge dragon statue the spies worship. Leaping inside they bring the dragon to life and it destroys the enemy organization. Cap then gets a shock: he thought Bucky was controlling the mechanism, but the boy hero was unconscious the whole time. The dragon really did come to the aid of its people!
Good (or All)
Bucky (Jack Monroe), Captain America (1950s Version).
Story #3Just One Hour
Unknown. Penciler/Inker:
FBI Agent Don Freeman is told that one of a group of foreign officials visiting New York is secretly Hitler’s spymaster
von Unterdrerd on his way to contract fugitive Nazis in South America. Don must identify and arrest him without causing an incident. The chief complications: no one knows what von Unterdrerd looks like, and he only has an hour to make the identification before the group departs. Learning that the visiting dignitaries are astronomers, Don disguises himself as a reporter and interviews them. The only one of the scientists who is fooled by his trick question confusing meteors and meteorites is unmasked as the villain.
Story #4Playing With Fire
. Penciler/Inker:
Dick Ayers.
Believing that American POWs are still being held in North Korea even though the war is over, the
Human Torch and
Toro enter to country on a search-and-rescue mission. They fight their way past guards and tunnel into a secret compound where they discover US prisoners. Torch and Toro free the Americans and send them off to safety while they fight a rear-guard action, preventing the Korean military from pursuing. On reaching safety, the heroes and the ex-POWs salute each other and go their ways.
Story #5The Hour of Doom
Unknown. Penciler/Inker:
John Romita.
The new idol of millions of American boys is sportsman
Chuck Blayne; what no one realizes is that Blayne is a Communist spy sent to subvert the nation’s youth by becoming a powerful influence. At a session of the UN, Blayne stands up and denounces the organization, calling international cooperation a failure and advising submission to a stronger power. To prove his point he has planted a bomb in the building.
Steve and
Bucky, on their way to hear Blayne speak at the UN are surprised to see him under arrest. Changing into their hero costumes,
Captain America and Bucky learn what is going on and make a thorough search of the building, finally discovering a bomb in the ventilation system. The next step is to demonstrate that Blayne is a Red agent, to bring boys’ adoration of him to an end. Cap puts Blayne in front of the bomb and as the time ticks down he breaks down in fear and reveals that there is a second bomb in the main clock. Cap jumps up and exerts his strength to prevent the hands from moving together until Bucky can dismantle the bomb. Blayne is humiliated on television and Cap proved the hero.
Good (or All)
Bucky (Jack Monroe), Captain America (1950s Version).