Comic Browser:


Captain America #12

Aug 2024
J. Michael Straczynski, Jesus Saiz

Story Name:

The Last Stand of the Front Door Part 1


Captain America #12 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

In Chicago, Steve Rogers and the three change agents, Skinz, Becca, and Malik, with the latter’s protectors, Guardian and Julie, prepare to board a plane for New York. Steve boards the plane and is directed to an envelope that mysteriously appeared. It is a letter from Lyra, containing a set of rings which will help the group complete their mission. The letter also details her feeling that her brother Death has assumed physical form to join the battle personally and warns him appropriately. He is interrupted by Julie who asks to speak to him privately. Elsewhere Becca feels like a traitor for working against the group. Julie reveals why she follows Malik and asks Steve whether he really thinks he can defeat Death. Steve explains that he agrees, the battle is hopeless, but as he learned from the War, sometimes you know you can’t win so the goal is to ensure the other guy doesn’t win, in this case, delaying Death while Lyra searches for a solution since Death intends to wipe out the human race….

In human form, Death walks the street of an ordinary American town, plants dying when touched by his shadow and bringing death to a random stranger, presented as the gift of freedom from the pain and struggle. He recalls the Pale City, a paradise where he and his sister Lyra were to serve humanity, Lyra to aid, heal and bestow hope, Death to guide from this world to the next. And there were evil people whom he took to the Hall of Shadows to suffer for eternity. He loved humanity—until the 20th century when the horrors of two World Wars, the Stalin regime, the Holocaust, the Maoist Cultural Revolution, led to overwhelming numbers of deaths. Death himself was horrified and decided that the human race did not deserve to live….

On the plane, Steve, having donned his Captain America gear, distributes the rings—and Becca is burned by hers. Cap ponders the second half of Lyra’s letter: she revealed that Cap is not a man out of time but a man forever trying to come home. Therefore, he must make a choice and be at the Front Door when the others arrive, and then Lyra will grant him peace or the option will be lost forever. Arriving at a small private NY airport, Cap arranges them in a formation designed to maximize their chances of survival….

At the Front Door, Lyra has sent messages to summon everyone to the cabaret; she addresses them all, advising them not to leave the building, to fight the instinct to go out to help their compatriots….

Outside, as a news crew is doing a weather report, Death passes over the crowds in the street. Power is passed on to the people, a power that, it they kill Death’s enemies, will pass away harmlessly and should they refuse, that power will destroy them….

When Cap and company turn a corner, they discover the streets barricaded and filled with hundreds, if not thousands, of deadly enemies….


Review / Commentaries

Captain America #12 Review by (August 28, 2024)

Review: It’s all coming together and making more sense as the twee aspects of this story arc are minimized for a bit more “realism,” dealing with Death and his hostility to humanity. The snarky sense of humor that every character seems to share is largely absent and so we can concentrate on the Life versus Death battle, which is presented much more clearly than in the previous installments. The only debit: such an elaborate alternate reality, conflicting with many others in the Marvel Universe…was this created for only a single seven-issue story arc in an ongoing comic? Solicits indicate another unrelated arc starting in issue #14 so this complex story looks to be wrapped up in just one more issue. Yikes!

Comments: Issue includes a tribute to late Marvel artist Don Perlin, co-creator of Moon Knight and Tigra.

> Captain America comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Avengers Endgame Captain America Statue, Multicolor
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Preview Pages

Jesus Saiz
Jesus Saiz
Matt Hollingsworth
Taurin Clarke (Cover Penciler)
Taurin Clarke (Cover Inker)
Taurin Clarke (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Caramagna.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steven Rogers)

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