Story #2Chapter Two
Fred Van Lente.Penciler:
Neil Edwards. Inker:
Dan Green, Crimelab Studios. Colorist:
Soto Color.
April, 1944:
Captain America assaults a
Hydra base in the Nazi-occupied
Danish Straits; he recalls how he and his pal
Bucky Barnes were in art class when word came of the attack on
Pearl Harbor. Bucky agreed to help Steve train in the boxing ring, hoping to pass the physical for induction into the military. As Cap crashes through the hordes of Hydra guards, he remembers that all the trouble he went through was of no use, he was still rejected for service because of his unhealthy physique. He ran into Bucky on the way out, and his pal expressed sorrow—but Steve wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then, back in the present, Captain America comes face-to-face with an enemy wearing a huge mechanized battle suit….