As Steve Rogers takes off his Captain
America outfit and dons his Hydra uniform, he muses on the events
that have brought him there. He thought he had counted the costs but
he misses Elisa Sinclair [apparently killed at the end of SECRET
EMPIRE #6] and without her he feels lost. He recalls a confrontation
with Thor Odinson when he refused to drink with his old Avengers
buddy and Thor got angry. Rogers reminds Thor that his hammer still
lies where it had fallen and he hasn't tried to lift it, telling him
the next time he confronts Rogers, he'd better have the hammer.
Rogers then recalls a visit to the imprisoned Sharon Carter, who
irritated him by pointing out how similar he is to the Red Skull. The
angry Rogers stormed out. Looking back on all this he stands at the
dais to announce to the nation the war he is starting....