Comic Browser:


Herc #3

May 2011
?, Scott Hanna

Story Name:

Fear Itself


Herc #3 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

There is a mass escape at the Raft, the prison for super-criminals. Among the fugitives are Griffin, Man-Bull, and Basilisk who now have their powers back as the dampeners fail. They come upon a woman escapee who has a life raft and take over, bringing her with them. As the guards open fire, Griffin flies off, towing the raft behind him. Basilisk suggests they head for Brooklyn so he can pick up some stuff at home….

Rhea awakens Hercules, reminding him of his appointment to meet with the public but the voices of his worshippers in his ears are painful. They speak of being imprisoned by Ares and warn that Ares will strike against Hercules though his greatest fear. But Rhea doesn’t believe Herc is who he claims to be and offers him a beer is he listens to ten people’s problems. Over a long and tiring day Herc hears requests to close down a meth lab, capture Mister Negative’s men, stop a dog from barking at night, and eliminate minorities the guy doesn’t like. A couple from the Gowanus Drawbridge Studio present Herc with a new costume, a tunic made from high-tech materials. He…doesn’t hate it but then Rhea alerts him to a police call for a bank robbery so off they go….

Downtown, Man-Bull is destroying police cars, Basilisk is petrifying the bank customers, Griffin is having little success tearing the vault door off its hinges until the mystery woman (who doesn’t know her own identity) hands him the combination, gleaned from the manager’s mind, with some residual damage. They open the vault and Herc steps out, stabbing Griffin with the Sword of Peleus, missing his major organs and Herc demands he surrender. Herc also explains that he used the Helm of Hades to enter the vault invisible then jump out dramatically. Basilisk attacks Herc with his eye beams but the hero reflects them with the Shield of Peleus, clobbering the bad guy. As Herc grapples with Man-Bull, the mystery woman gazes on the image of Medusa on the shield—but she doesn’t turn to stone, instead she learns her identity. Herc defeats Man-Bull, Griffin grabs stacks of cash and flies through the ceiling—and is shot down by the Warhawks, led by Kyknos, son of Ares, who proclaims himself the protector of his territory, proclaiming the wargospel of “All Versus All.” Herc attacks Kyknos, telling Griffin to escape. Hercules defending the criminals confuses the crowd and they quickly turn against Herc who clobbers Helene who was shooting at him. Herc and the baddies reenter the bank where they find the mystery woman has grown horns and she mutters a spell that makes all the dogs in the vicinity turn vicious. As the crowd denounces Herc, the mystery woman reveals herself to be the three-faced witch Hecate, proclaiming herself the new Dark Queen of Lost Brooklyn…. 


Review / Commentaries

Herc #3 Review by (September 17, 2024)

Review: The powerless Hercules has a lot of trouble establishing an identity in this short-lived series. Herein he finds himself defending bad guys from badder guys and in this era of social media who someone is depends on what a mass of strangers think he is, which bodes ill for Herc. This entry in the FEAR ITSELF event strikes directly at Herc’s identity as a hero and things will grow darker. Otherwise, it’s Pak and Van Lente’s standard take on the character, a lighter character in a serious world. Always fun. Even though the logistics of invisible Hercules hiding in the bank vault as it’s being opened do not work.

Comments: Issue bannered FEAR ITSELF, as a tie-in to that event. Issues #3-6 take place shortly after the events of FEAR ITSELF #4. Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente are co-writers of this series. The Raft escape is seen in more detail in FEAR ITSELF #2. Hecate’s previous appearances (aside from Greek myth) were in MS. MARVEL #11-13. Kyknos was introduced in INCREDIBLE HERCULES #116, then appearing in issues #129-131 and DARK AVENGERS: ARES #2-3 before this.

> Herc comic book info and issue index


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Holy smokes, Batman!
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Scott Hanna
Scott Hanna
Jesus Aburtov
Chris Stevens (Cover Penciler)
Chris Stevens (Cover Inker)
Leonardo Olea (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Layouts: Neil Edwards. Letterer: Simon Bowland.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.



Plus: Basilisk (Basil Elks), Griffin, Hecate, Kyknos (Son of Ares), Man-Bull, Warhawks.

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