Story #2Black and White
Frank Tieri. Penciler/Inker:
#40, the end of Tony Stark's conflict with media mogul
Tiberius Stone,
Ty trapped Tony in
DreamVision, his new virtual reality system, for a mental battle which Stark won. But now Stone has sent him a note claiming that they're still *in* VR.
Tony goes to see Ty who insists this isn't a joke. He reminds Stark of an unexplained energy surge after Tony 'defeated' him, and now claims that was the program restarting. He points out how implausible the events of the subsequent issues have been. Tony gave up his fortune and his company and spent
#42-45 as
Hogan Potts working for a small company which Iron Man also used to develop his new
SKIN armour. Then
Trevor Donahue died and left Stark his fortune and company so Tony is back in business again. Tony counters with *his* theory that Stone's DreamVision planted a subliminal message that *caused* him to give everything away.
The argument is halted when
Rumiko Fujikawa rushes in a exposes the truth - that it is Ty who is permanently attached to his DreamVision system, addicted to it (as we saw in
#41), and that his current scheme is to trick Tony into helping him break free. Ty then confesses that a part of his mind is trapped in DreamVision and without it he'll die. He wasn't going to *ask* his rival for help, but if he convinced Tony that he was trapped too then Stark would find a way to get them both out. Tony says if Ty *had* asked he would probably have helped his childhood friend. But now he'll leave him to stew.
Ru catches up with Tony as he leaves. Even after all Ty's done she just can't leave him like that, and begs Tony to help him. But Tony can't get past the fact that she left his bed for Ty's, and he walks away from her. She then turns to Ty and tells him she only went with him to hurt Tony because he didn't treat her as the most important thing in his life. Ty says he knew that, and *he* was only using *her* to get at Tony too. Ru slaps his face and she too leaves. Ty gets revenge by releasing compromising photos of her on the Internet and then having it reported on his news programs.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Rumiko Fujikawa.
Tiberius Stone.
Story #3The Media Takes On Tony Stark
. Penciler/Inker:
Kevin Hopgood. Colorist:
A selection of periodical articles about Tony Stark from news and financial magazines and gossip columns, giving insight into our protagonist's character.
Story #4(No Title Given)
. Colorist: