Story #2If this be P.R.O.D.O.K.!
Roger Langridge. Penciler/Inker:
Craig Rousseau. Colorist:
Chris Sotomayor.
Steve Rogers and
Bucky Barnes along with other guys from
Camp Lehigh are leaving a movie theater after a showing of
CASABLANCA. Suddenly laser beams strike the ground near where they are standing. They look up to see a massive floating head (similar to future Cap baddie
M.O.D.O.K.) wreaking havoc. The monster, spouting German and calling itself
P.R.O.D.O.K. seems to be targeting journalist
Roz Hepburn who is there with her photographer
Chalky. Steve and Bucky switch to their
Captain America and, er, Bucky costumes and leap onto the airborne menace, sending it crashing to the ground while the other GIs hustle the crowd to safety. Cap learns that Roz’s father is noted weapons manufacturer
Mycroft Hepburn. He also discovers that P.R.O.D.O.K. was manufactured in the United States, its full designation being
Partially Robotic Organism Designed Only for Killing. Cap asks Roz to hush up the story because to could affect morale. She refuses and rushes off the phone the story in, delighted that Cap finally called her "Roz."
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Roz Hepburn.