Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic #10 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
This issue begins with the scene from the end of the main section in #5 (the start of this storyline) with Iron Lad (Nathaniel Richards) with crippled armour falling through the void between space and time. And as he falls we will see the Parallax Stone that falls with him asking him who he trusts and loves.
But we turn our attention to snow-covered mountains in Latveria some years ago where Dr Doom shows his young adopted son Kristoff Vernard his massed forces poised to wipe out an insurrection. He tells Kristoff that he was too soft and that mercy bred dissent which among other things caused the death of the boy's mother. The lad must learn to be strong to take over when Victor Von Doom himself inevitably dies.
We then look ahead to a time when Doom was indeed believed dead, and his Doombots implemented a backup plan to brainwash Kristoff into believing he *is* Dr Doom.
Our next scene is Four Freedoms Plaza where teen Kristoff is staying with the Fantastic Four and has become friendly with Cassie Lang, daughter of Ant-Man Scott Lang. Scott is pursuing them along with Human Torch and Thing because they broke into Mr Fantastic's lab. Kristoff built AM's current suit and has a control device which enables him to delay the pursuit by making Scott shrink against his will. Kristoff escapes and Cassie stays to use his controller to bring her dad back to human-size. Scott believes that KV staged the break-in and his daughter was innocently dragged along. But Cassie says that he only did it because *she* wanted to see inside the lab.
Later she finds the boy in his own lab, which includes the armour that the Doombots put him in. He believes that they all hate him. She denies that and says *she* likes him, and her dad's just overprotective. He says that they are correct that he's dangerous. Cassie agrees but says that they're both scientists and that everything that's worth doing is dangerous.
Years later grown-up Cassandra Lang is in a restaurant waiting for her date to arrive late (as she mentioned in a text exchange with America Chavez in #8). Her date is Kristoff and he avoids apologising with compliments and they dance. She explains about her work at Pym labs, lately inventing liquid sunlight (which Kate Bishop used against her vampire mother in #7). He's about to ask her an important question when ...
... Iron Lad's fall ends on their dancefloor. Then future Kristoff follows through his own portal and stabs him through the chest with a sword. Cassie grows super-big so that the fist which punches future-K out of the building is about as big as him. Current Kristoff recognises the dying interloper as Kang The Conqueror, to which Nate responds not yet and probably never now.
The shard of the M'Kraan crystal that we have called the Parallax Stone appears in Iron Lad's hand, and Kristoff takes it off him. Nate comments that he sent the crystal back in time to assemble an army against K but now he sees that instead he now sees how future-K got it in the 1st place. But we see images of the journey it has taken to get here, and Nate thinks it's learned a lot en route. He tells Kristoff how he's rebelled against his destined future to be Kang, and hopes K can fight against the future Dr Doom mapped out for him.
Outside giant-size Cassie is battling future-K who has just killed the youth she once loved. K says it was the only way to become Master Of Time and bring her back. Then current-K interrupts, using the Stone to walk on air and declaring that he will choose his own destiny. He has 1 of Iron Lad's gauntlets and he tells it's AI Jonas to activate protocol White Phoenix Of The Crown. A blast shatters the M'Kraan shard and future-K is wiped out of existence.
Still-dying Nate tells Kristoff and human-size Cassie that the crystal isn't really gone, but K has made his choice. He jokingly tells Cassie that he's dying a hero for once, and at least he got to see her 1 more time. Then he too fades away. Cassie tells Kristoff that she once loved Nate, and K asks her to tell him about him as they face the sunrise through the big hole she made in the wall.
Good (or All)
Cassie Lang, Iron Lad (Nathalien Richards), Kristoff Vernard.