Order, The (2007 series) #1 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Henry Hellrung gives an interview. He talks about his long-running role as Tony Stark/Iron Man on TV. How he and the real Tony were drinking/womanising buddies until alcohol dependence ended his acting career. After rehab he became a spokesman for Alcoholics Anonymous. We also see he was there when Tony joined AA.
Now The Order are in Los Angeles tackling an unknown fiery villain they dub Infernal Man. Henry is Anthem, and like the others he can fly. Pepper Potts coordinates them with telepresence enhancements via satellite link under the codename Hera. Calamity is superfast. Strongman Heavy is also trainer and tactician. Bannerman Brown and Green are androids provided by Tony Stark. Pierce is an archer and Avona is a swordswoman. Maul has an energy mallet and is an engineer. Corona channels solar power. They also use the names of Greek gods to indicate the their roles.
The fire-villain melts Bannerman Brown and then Bannerman Green, and no-one can stop him until Corona risks death in a combined 'nova'. Afterwards the others have to restrain Avona's anger, until Calamity removes her sword. It turns out Corona is OK but his equipment is trashed.
Suddenly armoured government troops take charge, led by a man in black who refers to the villain as Project 717. They cart Infernal Man away. Tony Stark smooths this over in a later press conference with Pepper and Henry by claiming that the team willingly handed the villain over to the military.
Someone asks if Ares minds the names of his family/pantheon being used. We see him being content with the royalties. They also question the use of celebrities as California's Initiative team, but Pepper says they've been training for a year. They also wonder if Hellrung is the right man for the job, but Stark vouches for him.
Maul wants to go celebrate their victory but Calamity reminds them that they're not supposed to get drunk in public. Avona, Corona, Maul and Pierce go partying while Calamity and Heavy stay home. Now-teetotal leader Anthem isn't asked.
Henry, Pepper and Tony wake the next morning to a slew of news reports on the gang out clubbing. Pepper and Tony agree they have to be fired because they violated their signed contracts. They are exactly the kind of irresponsible superheroes that the Civil War and the 50-State Initiative were/are against.
Henry does the firing, backed by Pepper. Avona, Corona, Maul and Pierce are sent to the Stark Center for decommissioning. 4 others are picked out of a pool of recruits in training:- Mulholland Black, Milo Fields, Rebecca Ryan and Magdalena Marie. They are sent to the Center to get evolved.
The superpowers The Order have are artificially induced by a genetic upgrade that will only last a year (and presumably can be cancelled anytime). The newbies have had input into the specific powers they are going to get. Now those powers are implemented.
Later Anthem introduces the new team to the press. The speedster Calamity (James Wa) and the muscle Heavy (Dennis Murray) are joined by the new lot. Veda (Magdalena Marie) can create a humanoid army out of surrounding organic material. Supernaut (wheelchair-bound army vet Milo Fields) pilots a heavily-armed battle-suit. Mulholland Black opts not to have a codename, wields a power mallet and has a psychokinetic link with the city. Henry doesn't get a chance to describe Aralune (Becky Ryan)'s abilities (except we see her with wings) before Hera calls with a situation to be addressed.
Something has appeared off the coast of California, and a bunch of old Soviet supercharacters are heading this way.