by Trick Shot, Hawkeye awakens on the shore of an island wearing only shorts. He
discovers a bow and arrows nearby and uses them immediately to shoot down the
enemy’s arrows….
in France, Silver Sable is notified of Trick Shot’s presence on a Greek island
and she calls out her assault force….
two antagonists play cat-and-mouse through the jungle with Hawkeye dodging
traps and his enemy’s arrows and wondering why Trick Shot hasn’t killed him yet
despite being at his mercy several times. The climax comes on a shallow
riverbank where they deliberately miss one another. Hawkeye demands to know
what is going on; Trick Shot reveals he is dying of cancer and set this up so
that Hawkeye would kill him in battle. TS insists Clint has an obligation to
kill him and prevent his slow agonizing death. Clint refuses and promises to do
anything he can to help his mentor….