and Hercules rush the dying Krista to the hospital; privately Thor turns back
into Dr. Don Blake, surprising the hospital staff with his sudden reappearance
after a long absence. He also confuses Herc by describing himself as a friend
of Thor but soon hints at his real identity, further confusing the Greek god.
Don sends Herc out on the town while he tends to his patient….
in the city, Professor Clement Holmes is examining the Destroyer which he found
on a trip to South America. He is trying to revive it but his assistant Otto
wants nothing to do with it and leaves. The armor awakens and absorbs Holmes’
soul to fully activate it and it heads out, looking for its enemy, Thor….
surgery, Don talks to an assisting surgeon, Dr. Lois Reddy, who asks him why he
has been gone so long, neglecting his patients and his medical gifts. He
doesn’t know what to say….
enters a swanky nightclub where he enjoys the liquor and the company of the
ladies when the club begins to shake. Herc goes out to investigate and
discovers the Destroyer tearing down the building, having detected someone like
Thor inside. Herc fights it and it surprised to discover its strength (courtesy
of Odin); they battle and Herc is thrown around and Destroyer prepares to use
its visor blast. Don Blake is in Krista’s room at the hospital, pondering
whether he does more good as Thor or as Dr. Blake. He looks out of the window
and sees a glow in the distance which he recognizes as the Destroyer’s. He
quickly changes into Thor and flies to the scene where he takes on the giant
armor which is trying to blast the swiftly dodging Hercules. The Destroyer
appears to be winning when Thor hurls Mjolnir which picks up Destroyer and
carries it through the air and hurls it into the river, then returning to its
master’s hand. Thor explains to Herc that the Destroyer is activated by a human
soul and dispatches Herc to find that person while he heads to the waterfront
to resume the battle with the enchanted armor. Thor and his foe fight on the docks
until the Destroyer wrests Mjolnir from Thor’s hand and advances, while Thor
worries about losing the hammer for sixty seconds which will turn him back into
the vulnerable Don Blake….