Valkyrie (2010 series) #1

on-sale: Sep 28, 2010
Bryan Glass | Phil Winslade

Valkyrie (2010 series) #1 cover

Story Name:

Tragic Opera


Valkyrie (2010 series) #1 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

A hotel employee named Valerie is hanging on for life from a hotel balcony as a brutish guest who expects sexual favors threatens her. He grabs her by the hair and lifts and she slashes at his hand, making him drop her to her death….

In the alley below, paramedics Ziggy and Joe are working on the dead Valerie. Joe tells Ziggy to give up but he tries the paddles and the shock is like a bolt of lightning from the sky but it brings her back to life, confused and giving her name as Brunnhilde. As Joe drives them to the hospital, Ziggy tries to keep her awake and talking. But what goes through her mind is Thor’s summoning her back to life. And then she remembers that someone killed her and she leaps out of the back of the ambulance brandishing a sword, running off into the rainy night. Reading her nametag leads her back to the hotel where she demands to know who she is, threatening the manager with the sword, demanding the name of the man in the room with her. He indicates the computer but she impatiently smashes it with her sword. A petite co-worker reveals the man’s name was Ryan Sandusky and he wanted her to come to his room but she was afraid so Valerie went up and died. The police arrive and try to calm her down but she swings the sword to keep them back, leaving and telling them not to follow her….

Val arrives at the Cresskill, New Jersey, home of Janet Van Dyne a/k/a the Wasp. Janet recognizes her and invites her in, showing off her latest costume. Val reveals that Valerie is dead and she doesn’t know who Brunnhilde is. She remembers dying in Ragnarök but beyond that, nothing. Jan suggests she return to Asgard to find out but she does remember she was banished from the Golden Realm. Jan isn’t sure who Brunnhilde is with her very complicated life so tells her to follow her heart but Val bluntly tells her that she was not a positive example of following her heart. Jan ruefully admits that, telling her to just be honest with herself. Val recalls the two men in her recent life: one who killed her and one who restored her….

She returns to the hospital to find Ziggy the paramedic but they decline to give out employee’s addresses even to women who claim to be cousins. She learns Ziggy is Richard Siegfried, the same name as her long-ago lover. And Ryan Sandusky, her killer, is Brian Calusky, the criminal called Piledriver. She threatens the nurse, hoisting her into the air, shouting that Ziggy is in danger because of her. Ziggy’s partner Joe is there and Val orders him to take her to Ziggy’s home….

They arrive in time to find Piledriver threatening Ziggy’s young child and his wife, demanding to know what happened to Valerie. When Val walks in, the villain seizes her by the throat and pushes her through the window. Choking, her past flashes before her eyes: Asgard, her forbidden romances with Siegmund and his son Siegfried, her banishment, her time with the Defenders, the other women whose lives she shared, Ragnarök, and her recent reanimation. Then she gets angry and takes the form of Valkyrie, punching Piledriver across the room. He is delighted and grabs her in a bear hug, hurling them through the window and onto a construction site across the street. He tries to bash her with a girder, calling her a man-hater. She grows angry and delivers a single punch that knocks him to the ground below. Then Ziggy suffers a heart attack and, to return the favor he did for her, she borrows a policeman’s horse and hurries him to the hospital…. 

Good (or All)


> Valkyrie (2010 series) comic book info and issue index

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Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Phil Winslade
Phil Winslade
Veronica Gandini
Jay Anacleto (Cover Penciler)
Jay Anacleto (Cover Inker)
Brian Haberlin (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Dave Lanphear.

Review / Commentaries

Valkyrie (2010 series) #1 Review by (February 25, 2025)

Review: Valkyrie has a complicated history in Marvel Comics, largely because of the large number of women who she has shared a body or a mind with so that we aren’t always clear whose memories and experiences she is channeling. This one is a bit clearer because it comes post Ragnarök wherein Thor’s massive supporting cast all died and were brought back and herein it’s Val’s turn. But did they really need to give her another woman, this one more sketchily drawn than most? (Hotel employee named Valerie, tall and blonde—that’s it, not even a last name much less any personal history). Yah, we’ll put up with it because the story is more compelling than usual, her character more solidly established. The art is nice as well. And it’s good to see Piledriver clobbered, especially by a woman as he’s cast as a macho creep.

Comments: "This story takes place between the events of AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED and SECRET INVASION." More specifically during and following the events of THOR (2007) #5. The final page refers us to her appearances in SECRET AVENGERS. Ragnarök was in THOR (1998) #80-85. And it isn’t clear where she got the sword in the ambulance but she’s magic so it isn’t important.


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