Comic Book: Avengers/Thunderbolts

Avengers vs Thunderbolts mini-series where Baron Zemo tries to save the world from superheroes.

Data Sheet:
May 2004 to Sep 2004

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Erik Stephen Josten)
Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Plus: Blackheath (Sam Smithers).

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 6

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers/Thunderbolts #1
Avengers/Thunderbolts #1
4 stars

Avengers/Thunderbolts #1

May 2004
"One: The cause of justice"
Script: Kurt Busiek
In 1480 Harbin Zemo single-handedly held a bridge against a small Slavic army to protect his village until Holy Roman Empire troops came to the rescue. For this he was made the 1st Baron Zemo.Now the 13th Baron Helmut Zemo leads the Thunderbolts. [...]
Avengers/Thunderbolts #2
Avengers/Thunderbolts #2
4 stars

Avengers/Thunderbolts #2

June 2004
"Two: The final line"
Script: Kurt Busiek
This issue's thoughts voiceover is by Tony Stark who lets us know that the Avengers have tried and failed to stop Cobalt Man's rampage through nuclear power plants twice already (1st time last issue). Now they have their 3rd chance in New Ulm, Montana. [...]
Avengers/Thunderbolts #3
Avengers/Thunderbolts #3
4 stars

Avengers/Thunderbolts #3

June 2004
"Three: Nerves"
Script: Kurt Busiek
This time Moonstone does the thought narration.Baron Zemo's Thunderbolts are building a device called the Liberator which will absorb all transnormal energies (nuclear, cosmic, gamma, ionic) in the world, making it a safer place (and depowering many super-chars). [...]
Avengers/Thunderbolts #4
Avengers/Thunderbolts #4
4 stars

Avengers/Thunderbolts #4

July 2004
"Four: Betrayal"
Script: Kurt Busiek
It's Hawkeye's turn for the thoughtover this issue, so he gives us the sitrep. Last issue the Thunderbolts activated their Liberator Project using old Magneto Protocol satellites reprogrammed to detect transnormal energies and siphon them off, storing the the energy in the Liberator device. [...]
Avengers/Thunderbolts #5
Avengers/Thunderbolts #5
4 stars

Avengers/Thunderbolts #5

August 2004
"Five: Truth and consequences"
Script: Kurt Busiek
This issue Songbird takes thoughtover duties.Previously Baron Helmut Zemo's Thunderbolts have built Project: Liberator to absorb all transnormal energies from the world. This will free the world of threats from nuclear weapons as well as super-chars like the gamma-powered Hulk (so Zemo says). [...]
Avengers/Thunderbolts #6
Avengers/Thunderbolts #6
4 stars

Avengers/Thunderbolts #6

September 2004
"Six: Blood will tell"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Captain America does the thoughtover for this final issue and so it's he who brings us up to date. Baron Zemo's Thunderbolts planned to use their Project: Liberator to drain all transnormal energy from the world to make it a safer place. [...]


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