Comic Book: Invincible Iron Man (2012 series)

New series for Marvel NOW, written by Kieron Gillen, notable for "The Secret Origin of Tony Stark."

Data Sheet:
Jan 2013 to Aug 2014

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Pepper Potts
Pepper Potts

(Pepper Hogan)
Plus: Recorder 451.

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 28

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Invincible Iron Man #1
Invincible Iron Man #1
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #1

January 2013
"Believe 1: Demons and genies"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark's having a mid-life crisis. Pepper Potts complains that he's left her to run the Reslient company for weeks now, and there's no sign of him coming back to work. But Tony's questioning the whole basis of his life. Which doesn't stop him from picking up a girl in a bar. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #2
Invincible Iron Man #2
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #2

January 2013
"Believe 2: A gentleman's wager"
Script: Kieron Gillen
1 year ago a man calling himself Arthur approaches Russian Alex Draguno. Draguno was the best student in the Black Academy, trained to pilot armoured suits against American super-soldiers like Iron Man, but now reduced to operating exoskeletons in hazardous workplaces. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #3
Invincible Iron Man #3
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #3

February 2013
"Believe 3: It makes us stronger"
Script: Kieron Gillen
As we saw in the last 2 issues, Tony Stark has left running the Resilient company to Pepper Potts, and is spending his time tinkering (this time he's invented  a new(?) way of making a toasted cheese sandwich). [...]
Invincible Iron Man #4
Invincible Iron Man #4
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #4

February 2013
"Believe 4: Fear of the void"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark continues to spend his time tinkering, and romancing the ladies. This time he combines both as he soups up a girlfriend's sports car. Unfortunately he's got the girls mixed up, as this one isn't the expert driver.CEO Pepper Potts isn't impressed by this. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #5
Invincible Iron Man #5
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #5

March 2013
"Believe 5: Men of the world"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Reslient CEO Pepper Potts shows Tony Stark the new Resilient phone, but Tony wants to know whatever happened to the idea of free energy via repulsor technology that he promised the world (back in Iron Man (2008) #25). [...]
Invincible Iron Man #6
Invincible Iron Man #6
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #6

April 2013
"The godkiller 1 0f 3"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark donned a new suit of specialised space-armour last issue, and headed off into space. Now we find Iron Man defending an ancient artificial planet called the Voldi Tear against mechanoid pirates:- 1 page and a double-page spread of space battle. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #7
Invincible Iron Man #7
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #7

May 2013
"The godkiller part 2 of 3"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark has been imprisoned without his Iron Man armour by the Voldi because he was involved in the death of their god the Phoenix Force in Avengers vs X-Men.One of the hovering drinks trays from the bar last issue arrives outside Tony's forcefield cell. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #8
Invincible Iron Man #8
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #8

June 2013
"The godkiller conclusion"
Script: Kieron Gillen
In the last 2 issues, on his space trek, Iron Man saved the Voldi Tear spaceship/world from robot space pirates, but was then sentenced to death by the Voldi for killing one of their gods, the Phoenix Force (in Avengers vs X-Men). Rigellian Recorder 451 advised him to opt for trial by combat. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #9
Invincible Iron Man #9
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #9

July 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark prologue"
Script: Kieron Gillen
The Guardians of the Galaxy have been looking for Recorder 451 for weeks, to bring him to book for the destruction of the Voldi last issue. Now Iron Man takes leave of Star-Lord to continue the search on his own. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #10
Invincible Iron Man #10
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #10

July 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark part one"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Last issue our space-going hero tracked down Recorder 451 to bring him to justice for the Voldi genocide in #8. But 451 turned the tables because he had previously infiltrated the armour's AI PEPPER. So now he has captured Iron Man in his spacecraft. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #11
Invincible Iron Man #11
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #11

August 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark part two"
Script: Kieron Gillen
The largest part of this issue is the continuation of the flashback story of Rigellian Recorder #451 and Tony Stark's parents. It's bracketed by modern-day scenes of a minor space battle and some chat between 451 and Tony. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #12
Invincible Iron Man #12
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #12

September 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark part three"
Script: Kieron Gillen
The last 2 issues have been mainly about the recording Tony Stark's father Howard left which explained how Recorder 451 had modified Tony in Maria Stark's womb to save his unborn life, but also to give him gifts that would make him the man he grew into. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #13
Invincible Iron Man #13
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #13

September 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark: The best offense part one"
Script: Kieron Gillen
The robot bounty hunter Death's Head pays in his reward for capturing Iron Man for Rigellian Recorder #451. While he's at the galactic mercenaries' bank he inquires if there's a bounty for any Rigellian Recorder, and discovers there's an enormous one outstanding for a few centuries for 451. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #14
Invincible Iron Man #14
4.5 stars

Invincible Iron Man #14

October 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark: The best offense part two"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Rigellian Recorder 451 designed Tony Stark from birth to control the enormously-big Godkiller robot left over from an aeons-old war against the Celestials. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #15
Invincible Iron Man #15
4.5 stars

Invincible Iron Man #15

November 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark: The best offense part three"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark has been kidnapped by Rigellian Recorder 451 to operate the super-giant Godkiller armour/robot, which 451 had programmed him for before he was born. 451 intended the Godkiller to be Earth's best defence, and lead to a human galactic empire, but Tony didn't want to play ball. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #16
Invincible Iron Man #16
4.5 stars

Invincible Iron Man #16

December 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark: The best offense part four"
Script: Kieron Gillen
We learn from Recorder 451's memories that it was witnessing the genocide of a peaceful race by the Skrulls that set him on his path to make a better universe. That path led him to interfere in the birth of Tony Stark, to make him a suitable pilot for the Godkiller. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #17
Invincible Iron Man #17
4.5 stars

Invincible Iron Man #17

December 2013
"The secret origin of Tony Stark: Conclusion"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark is listening to a recording left for him by his dead father, while driving to the Maria Stark Foundation Hospice. Howard Stark is trying to find the words to confess something to his son. But Tony cuts it off when he arrives, because he's already been through it before. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #18
Invincible Iron Man #18
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #18

January 2014
"Iron metropolitan"
Script: Kieron Gillen
It's 30 years in the future and Tony and Arno Stark survey what they have wrought. They are in geostationary orbit at the top of 1 of several space elevators. On the Earth power is being beamed down to giant pyramids. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #19
Invincible Iron Man #19
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #19

February 2014
"Iron metropolitan part 2"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark comes to see CEO Pepper Potts at their company Resilient to apologise for being absent a lot, even after he returned from space. He tells her he's planning to build a futuristic city on the ruins of Mandarin City, on its private island off the coast of China. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #20
Invincible Iron Man #20
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #20

March 2014
"Iron metropolitan part 3"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Tony Stark unveiled his rebuilt Mandarin City as a model city of the future in the style he calls Troy. But his press conference, and some of the city itself, has been wrecked by a force that turned some of the rubble into a giant fist bearing a ring on its thumb. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #21
Invincible Iron Man #21
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #21

April 2014
"Iron Metropolitan part 4 of 5"
Script: Kieron Gillen
In the Troy orbital platform, geostationary above Troy/Mandarin City, Tony Stark is in communication with brother Arno down below. Arno says that the Remaker ring has wrecked another part of the city, the 12th such Remaker 'bomb' increasing the death toll. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #22
Invincible Iron Man #22
4.5 stars

Invincible Iron Man #22

May 2014
"Iron Metropolitan part 5 of 5"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Troy, Tony Stark's city of the future, is under attack from Exile and Lord Remaker, 2 of the people who have been granted power by 1 of Mandarin's rings. The 3rd ringbearer Abigail Burns has turned against them. She realised that they were a worse evil than Stark's capitalist utopia. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #23
Invincible Iron Man #23
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #23

May 2014
"Rings of the Mandarin chapter 1"
Script: Kieron Gillen
This issue begins with a biased account of the history of Svartalfheim. The elvish kingdom was the fairest of the Nine Realms, but jealous others referred to its inhabitants as Dark Elves. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #24
Invincible Iron Man #24
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #24

June 2014
"Rings of the Mandarin chapter 2"
Script: Kieron Gillen
This issue opens quietly with reporter Abigail Burns interviewing Arno (Stark) by video link. She doesn't know he's Tony's brother, and Arno maintains the fiction by claiming that he was an orphan looked after by the Maria Stark Foundation. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #25
Invincible Iron Man #25
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #25

July 2014
"Rings of the Mandarin chapter 3"
Script: Kieron Gillen
Iron Man is in Svartalfheim to get the 4 Mandarin Rings in the possession of Malekith the Dark Elf. The stealth mission went wrong but Shellhead did manage to get 1 of the Rings off a dead Dark Elf. [...]


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