
Comic Book: All-New Savage She-Hulk

What This Book is About:
Info, covers and comics index about the All-New Savage She-Hulk comic book.

Data Sheet:
Apr 2009 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Savage She-Hulk)

(Jennifer Walters)

(Mac Gargan)
Plus: A.R.M.O.R. (ARMOR), Protector (Noh-Varr), Charles Little Sky.

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 4

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

All-New Savage She-Hulk #1
4 stars

All-New Savage She-Hulk #1

April 2009
"W.M.D. Woman of Mass Destruction"
Script: Fred Van Lente
At the Hollow, HQ of the Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response Agency (A.R.M.O.R.), a hostile invader is detected on it way to Park Avenue from Earth-8009. Troops are dispatched to meet it but see nothing—until the invader burst up from underground: Lyra, the Savage She-Hulk. [...]
All-New Savage She-Hulk #2
4 stars

All-New Savage She-Hulk #2

May 2009
"Universal Monster"
Script: Fred Van Lente
She-Hulk, called out by A.R.M.O.R. to deal with the threat from another dimension, tries to talk Lyra into surrendering peacefully, joking that she can get her Thundra’s autograph. Mention of her mother induces Lyra to clobber the uncomprehending Jen and the battle is on. [...]
All-New Savage She-Hulk #3
4 stars

All-New Savage She-Hulk #3

June 2009
"Killer Madonna"
Script: Fred Van Lente
Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn) orders Captain Marvel (Noh-Varr) to defeat Lyra so he encloses them both in a Pocket Battlefield, creating an enclosed environment in which to fight. [...]
All-New Savage She-Hulk #4
4 stars

All-New Savage She-Hulk #4

July 2009
"Born to Rage!"
Script: Fred Van Lente
Sent to mate with Norman Osborn, greatest “hero” of his day, Lyra recoils at the act, knowing Osborn will harvest the DNA of superhumans and sell it, destroying the world by Lyra’s time. But she hates her own time (Earth-8009) and refuses her mission, meaning she cannot go back a traitor. [...]