Comic Book: Avengers Annual (2012 series)
What This Comic Book is About:
The only Annual attached to the Avengers (2010) series.
Data Sheet:
Jan 2012 (one-shot)
Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.
Plus: Anti-Venom (
Eddie Brock), Atlas, Captain Ultra (
Griffin Gogol), Century, Danielle Cage, D-Man (
Demolition Man).
Comics Index
Total Indexed Comics:
Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.
January 2012"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael BendisWonder Man has been complaining that the Avengers cause bad things to happen, and asking them to disband, since Avengers (2010) #1 (or possibly since New Avengers (2005) #51). [...]