Comic Book: Infinity

What This Comic Book is About:
The 2013 crossover involving the Avengers and Thanos in a space war.

Data Sheet:
Aug 2013 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)

(Bruce Banner)
Plus: Gladiator (Kallark), Mentor (A'Lars), Smasher (Izzy Kane).
Infinity #1
Infinity #1

(Aug 2013)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 6

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Infinity #1
4.5 stars

Infinity #1

August 2013
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
We start with a flashback (2 of Rick Magyar's pages of New Avengers #6 very faithfully redrawn by Jim Cheung) where the Illuminati and Black Swan destroy an alternate Earth over Latveria. That's all we see of them this issue except for Black Bolt and Iron Man. [...]
Infinity #2
4.5 stars

Infinity #2

September 2013
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Infinity #3
4.5 stars

Infinity #3

September 2013
"Kingdoms fall"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Infinity #4
4.5 stars

Infinity #4

October 2013
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page recaps the endings of #3 and Avengers #20. From Av#20 we see Captain America persuading the Galactic Council to surrender to the 1 Builder who remained on the Kree capital Hala after the Council drove the Builder fleet away. [...]
Infinity #5
4.5 stars

Infinity #5

October 2013
"The left hand of death"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The previously page:- Last issue Black Bolt activated the Terrigen Bomb while fighting Thanos. It mutated all Inhumans/hybrids throughout the world, including Thanos' son Thane. And Thor killed a Builder, showing they weren't invincible. [...]
Infinity #6
4.5 stars

Infinity #6

November 2013
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Ye olde previously page this time only refers back to #5:- The Illuminati returned to Wakanda and learned that Thanos' forces had overrun the capital city and discovered the world-killer antimatter bombs in their secret HQ the Necropolis. [...]