Comic Book: Infinity War

Info, covers and comics index from Infinity War comic book.

Data Sheet:
... to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Infinity War #1
Infinity War #1

(Jun 1992)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 6

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Infinity War #1
3 stars

Infinity War #1

June 1992
"Chthonic Maneuvers"
Script: Jim Starlin
In his retirement, Thanos detects energy emanations that indicate the universe is in grave peril; he follows the energy signal to a fortress in space where he finds the Magus, an evil variant of Adam Warlock. [...]
Infinity War #2
3 stars

Infinity War #2

July 1992
"Ethereal Revisionism"
Script: Jim Starlin
The Magus gloats that all is going according to his elaborate scheme. The Earth heroes assemble, and Reed Richards briefs them on the existence of doppelgangers trying to defeat and replace each one of them. Meanwhile, Galactus has Dr. [...]
Infinity War #3
3 stars

Infinity War #3

August 1992
"Nefarious Rhapsodies"
Script: Jim Starlin
The Magus’ scheme continues. On Earth, Invisible Woman managed to contain the gamma bomb blast with a force field, and Thor sends the fallout into space. [...]
Infinity War #4
3 stars

Infinity War #4

September 1992
"Mortiferous Artifice"
Script: Jim Starlin
Thanos and the Infinity Watch (Gamora, Pip the Troll, Moondragon, Drax the Destroyer) battle the Earth heroes’ expeditionary force while on Earth, the remaining heroes fight the doppelganger army. Meanwhile, Dr. [...]
Infinity War #5
3 stars

Infinity War #5

October 1992
Script: Jim Starlin
The Magus has the Infinity Gauntlet in his possession and Adam Warlock as his prisoner. The mystic heroes arrive on Earth to build a telepathic resistance to Magus’ encroaching reality. Dr. [...]
Infinity War #6
3 stars

Infinity War #6

November 1992
"The Animus Engagement"
Script: Jim Starlin
A satisfied Magus ends all the battles by trapping all the heroes, including Galactus, in his trophy room. Thanos, having defeated his double, confronts the Magus with the news that reality is not what he thinks it is. [...]
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