Comic Book: The Mighty Avengers (2007 series)

Avengers group created by Iron Man after the events of Civil War.

Data Sheet:
May 2007 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)

(Jocasta Pym)

(Henry Pym)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 36

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Mighty Avengers, The #1
Mighty Avengers, The #1
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #1

March 2007
"The Mighty Avengers part 1"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
There are flashbacks to the formation of the team scattered through this issue (and next). I''ll deal with that 1st.Carol Danvers meets with Tony Stark, the new Director of SHIELD, as he oversees the construction of the new red & gold SHIELD helicarrier. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #2
Mighty Avengers, The #2
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #2

April 2007
"The Mighty Avengers part 2"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
This issue again contains a sequence of flashbacks interwoven with the main story. Last issue''s flashbacks had Tony Stark and Carol Danvers choosing the new team and recruiting Ares. This issue''s flashbacks show them recruiting the rest of the mob. I''ll deal with the flashbacks 1st. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #3
Mighty Avengers, The #3
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #3

May 2007
"The Mighty Avengers part 3"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
The world is experiencing extreme weather conditions, which here in New York takes the form of heavy rain. Meanwhile the rest of the Mighty Avengers are facing Ultron in the form of a woman created by morphing Iron Man. The woman is modelled on Wasp, and she seems willing to talk to Janet Van Dyne. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #4
Mighty Avengers, The #4
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #4

June 2007
"The Mighty Avengers part 4"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Ultron now occupies a female body that looks like Janet Van Dyne, a body created in #1 from the Extremis body/armour of Tony Stark. She now broadcasts a message to the world saying she's changing the climate to make the world uninhabitable by man (or any other living creature). [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #5
Mighty Avengers, The #5
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #5

September 2007
"The Mighty Avengers part 5"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
The Mighty Avengers (Ares, Ms Marvel, Wasp and Wonder Man) are fighting Iron Man's collection of old armours animated by Ultron when Ares suddenly has a bright idea. He steers the IM armour he's currently riding away from the battle outside Avengers Tower. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #6
Mighty Avengers, The #6
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #6

December 2007
"The Mighty Avengers part 6"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
We start by backtracking to insert a scene before the end of last issue. Henry Pym explains he's written a virus in an old programming language that Ultron won't know about that will reverse the changes the robot made to create the female body it's using now, and hopefully get Tony Stark back. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #7
Mighty Avengers, The #7
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #7

January 2008
"Venom bomb part 1"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Tony Stark is recovering in a SHIELD helicarrier hospital bed from being taken over by Ultron in the last arc. But Spider-Woman has broken into his room carrying the body of a Skrull dressed like Elektra.Stark''s built-in Extremis armour scans them and verifies who they are. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #8
Mighty Avengers, The #8
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #8

February 2008
"Venom bomb part 2"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Yesterday Hank Pym came to see his ex-wife Jan to give her a present - an improved formula that will allow her to become a giant as well as the tiny Wasp.Now Wasp is with her teammates facing a Manhattan becoming full of people taken over by Carnage and Venom symbiotes. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #9
Mighty Avengers, The #9
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #9

February 2008
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Dr Doom is using his time platform to visit Morgan Le Fey in the 13th Century. Apparently he comes to see her frequently. She accuses him of not just wanting her for her body, but to learn her dark sorcery. Victor Von Doom admits to both. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #10
Mighty Avengers, The #10
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #10

March 2008
"Time is on no one's side"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Last issue Sentry was helping Iron Man fight Dr Doom in his Latverian castle. They fell into Doom''s malfunctioning time platform. Now Bob Reynolds doesn''t know where he is. (And he didn''t know it was a time machine they fell onto.)It soon becomes obvious he''s in New York. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #11
Mighty Avengers, The #11
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #11

March 2008
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Last issue, after the Mighty Avengers invaded Dr Doom''s Latverian castle, Victor Von Doom fell through his malfunctioning time machine with Iron Man and Sentry. They wound up in New York much earlier in the Marvel Age, and used the Fantastic Four''s time machine to get back. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #12
Mighty Avengers, The #12
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #12

May 2008
"Secret Invasion"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
After the events of the Secret War, Nick Fury goes into hiding, but first apologizes to the heroes for his betrayal through his Life Model Decoy (gutted by a furious Wolverine). While in Mexico, Nick is visited by his long-time lover, (suspended) S.H.I.E.L.D. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #13
Mighty Avengers, The #13
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #13

July 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Last issue, set well before Secret Invasion, Nick Fury discovered evidence of Skrull infiltration and set out to do something about it. Now this issue is 6 months before SI and he starts to build his forces. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #14
Mighty Avengers, The #14
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #14

May 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
This issue centres around The Sentry (and Skrulls).Years ago in his 1st active period (the 1 we've all forgotten) Sentry once again faces his nemesis The Void, who is actually his own dark side. But at this point Sentry doesn't know that. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #15
Mighty Avengers, The #15
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #15

June 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Several months ago Henry Pym and Janet Van Dyne are living in England. He's currently giving a lecture at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. When he's finished he asks for questions from the audience. A female student asks why the Avengers broke up. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #16
Mighty Avengers, The #16
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #16

July 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Several months ago Elektra (actually the Skrull Pagon) leading the Hand paid Electro to break Sauron out of the Raft, but also cause enough confusion (by breaking lots of other villains out as well) to cover the aim. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #17
Mighty Avengers, The #17
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #17

August 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Several months ago Henry Pym approaches a lonely nighttime cafe in Oregon and asks the proprietor Bruno for a house speciality coffee with hot chocolate. He says he had it here years ago and it's on his list of the top 10 best things on the planet. In return he's going to let Bruno in on a secret. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #18
Mighty Avengers, The #18
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #18

November 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Mighty Avengers, The #19
Mighty Avengers, The #19
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #19

October 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Marvel Boy is a Kree called Noh-Varr from an alternate timeline. His spacecraft got lost in the multiverse and was shot down over Earth-616, and he is the only survivor. He declared war on Earth but was captured and sent to the Cube prison. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #20
Mighty Avengers, The #20
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #20

December 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Henry Pym has returned from Skrull captivity at the end of Secret Invasion to learn that his ex-wife Janet Van Dyne has just died in battle.He remembers when the Avengers found Captain America frozen in suspended animation (Av#4), when Hank was Giant-Man and Jan was as usual the Wasp. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #21
Mighty Avengers, The #21
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #21

January 2009
"Earth's mightiest part 1 of 3: The smartest man in the room"
Script: Dan Slott
Couple Stature and Vision (Jonas) arrive at the ruins of Avengers Mansion answering a summons from Wiccan about a global mystical threat. They land in the garden of statues to fallen Avengers where a new entrant commemorates the Wasp who died at the end of Secret Invasion. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #22
Mighty Avengers, The #22
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #22

February 2009
"Earth's mightiest part 2 of 3: The writing on the wall"
Script: Dan Slott
We start with a flashback showing how Quicksilver got into the mess he was in last issue. He'd been working with the New Men/Knights of Wundagore to stop Modred the Mystic from assembling the complete Book of the Darkhold. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #23
Mighty Avengers, The #23
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #23

March 2009
"Earth's mightiest part 3 of 3: Three words"
Script: Dan Slott
In #21 the State of Oklahoma disappeared. Now we see that Broxton, where Asgard currently rests, still exists but is cut off from the rest of Earth. [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #24
Mighty Avengers, The #24
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #24

April 2009
"Chasing ghosts"
Script: Dan Slott
This issue opens with Norman Osborn meeting his Cabal in the psychic plane (courtesy of Emma Frost). Doctor Doom isn't satisfied that Osborn's Dark Avengers helped him reclaim Latveria (DAv#1-4) because now his realm is "overrun with Asgardian refugees" (Thor #600). [...]
Mighty Avengers, The #25
Mighty Avengers, The #25
4 stars

Mighty Avengers, The #25

June 2009
"Mighty/Fantastic - part 1: The Baxter Job"
Script: Dan Slott
A few years ago in his lab Dr Henry Pym (Yellowjacket) is examining a device Dr Bill Foster (Goliath) has created, based on the size-changing Pym Particles. [...]


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