Comic Book: Ultimate End
What This Comic Book is About:
Survivors of the Marvel and Ultimate Universes try to fix things in Battleworld Manhattan. Or are things really what they seem?
Data Sheet:
May 2015 to ..?
Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.
Hulk(Robert Bruce Banner)
Comics Index
Total Indexed Comics:
Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.
May 2015"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael BendisThe issue begins with a 2-page spread symbolising the clash of heroes from the Marvel and Ultimate Universes in Secret Wars #1, with the Ultimate U Punisher training his gunsights on them all. That's all we see of the end of the Ultimate Universe (and the Marvel 1 too). [...]
June 2015"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael BendisThe Marvel heroes (Cyclops, Emma Frost, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man and Storm) have flown to Avengers Mansion after their meeting with the Ultimate heroes in the Triskelion last issue. [...]
July 2015"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael BendisThis issue opens '2 weeks ago'. #1 was mostly dated '3 weeks ago' and #2 followed on immediately. So this is presumably set 1 week later, but the events of #2 could be spread over that week so the Hulk-fight at the end could have just finished. [...]
August 2010"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael BendisUltimate Nick Fury and Marvel Maria Hill bring the SHIELD helicarrier to Avengers/Stark Tower to search for the 2 Tony Starks and the Marvel Bruce Banner they sprang from SHIELD custody last issue. [...]
December 2015"(no title given)"
Script: Brian Michael BendisIn Battleworld Manhattan the assembled Ultimate and Marvel heroes are at war, watched by Ultimate Punisher. But Ultimate Spider-Man has appeared to tell them to stop fighting - there's a bigger problem that needs their attention. [...]