Comic Book: War Machine (2008 series)

During Dark Reign cyborg War Machine hunts down Ultimo-tech.

Data Sheet:
Dec 2008 to Feb 2010

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

War Machine
War Machine

(James Rhodes)
Plus: Bethany Cabe (Bethany Camilla Cabe von Tilburg), Parnell Jacobs, Glenda Sandoval.
War Machine #1
War Machine #1

(Dec 2008)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

War Machine #1
War Machine #1
4 stars

War Machine #1

December 2008
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
In Santo Marco War Machine prevents a genocidal attack. The president's mercenary army is using a Sentinel to genetically identify members of rebel tribe. It seems James Rhodes has taken on this as his task during Dark Reign, a vigilante tackling mass murderers. Cue lots of shooting to kill. [...]
War Machine #2
War Machine #2
4 stars

War Machine #2

January 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
Glenda Sandoval is being held prisoner in a metal container in Eaglestar International's Regional HQ in Aqiria, by mercenaries working for Eaglestar. One of them, an ex-SHIELD agent Jake Oh is trying to get her medical attention, but her guards won't let anyone see her, on orders from the boss. [...]
War Machine #3
War Machine #3
4 stars

War Machine #3

February 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
War Machine has come to Aqiria to rescue an old friend Dr Glenda Sandoval who is held captive inside a trucking container by Eaglestar International. [...]
War Machine #4
War Machine #4
4 stars

War Machine #4

March 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
James Rhodes remembers how he first met Glenda Sandoval when they were young children, and she was killing ants because they killed a caterpillar. Now that he's War Machine Glenda, along with all the others infected by the Ultimo virus, is trying to kill him. [...]
War Machine #5
War Machine #5
5 stars

War Machine #5

April 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
In the Aqiran capital Mazakan Ares, Glenda Sandoval and others infected by the Ultimo virus are attacking the citizens. US Senator Chambers is there (with guarding troops). He thinks Ares of the Avengers must be fighting terrorists, so orders his troops not to fire. [...]
War Machine #6
War Machine #6
4 stars

War Machine #6

May 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
In the Navajo Nation Jason Strongbow (who as American Eagle has fought toe-to-toe with the likes of Thing, Bullseye and Ka-Zar) pays a visit to James Rhodes' heavily-armed mother. [...]
War Machine #7
War Machine #7
4 stars

War Machine #7

June 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
This issue has a couple of flashbacks to James Rhodes acting as a consulting pilot to the military in Dubai. A suicide bomber gains access to the base, followed by more terrorists. Rhodey gets his limbs blown off and the rest of him is in bad shape too. [...]
War Machine #8
War Machine #8
4 stars

War Machine #8

July 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
War Machine is attacking a passenger jet, with members of his support staff Suzi Endo and Parnell Jacobs in a shuttle plane alongside. His old buddies from West Coast Avengers (Mockingbird, Ronin (Clint Barton, ex-Hawkeye), Tigra and Wonder Man) have arrived in a quinjet to stop him. [...]
War Machine #9
War Machine #9
4 stars

War Machine #9

September 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
Ramblers in the Bainsville National Forest are dismayed to find the vegetation turning to sharp metal, and the voice of Ultimo telling them this is his plan to wipe out all life on Earth. Without plants they will suffocate, if they don't starve first or just get killed by the pointy bits. [...]
War Machine #10
War Machine #10
4 stars

War Machine #10

October 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
Norman Osborn as Iron Patriot has just effectively saved the world by showing Ultimo that even he had a good side. Now he has a baby Ultimo to bring up in his own image.War Machine appears to be having a heart attack but Osborn won't let his allies Suzi Endo and Glenda Sandoval help him. [...]
War Machine #11
War Machine #11
4 stars

War Machine #11

November 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
The prosecution of the Bainsville Ten (6 Senators, 1 General and 3 ex-Cabinet-members involved in a major corruption scandal) is all over the news. The corruption was exposed by War Machine's allies last issue. [...]
War Machine #12
War Machine #12
4 stars

War Machine #12

December 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
Daniel Cetawayo has taken War Machine's defence in his war crimes trial. He and Mrs Rhodes are discussing tactics in Rhodey's cell. [...]


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