Avengers, The (1963 series) #110 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Vision are watching Black Panther spar with Iron Man when Thor rushes in with good news. He leads them to the comms room where Scarlet Witch sees her long-lost brother Quicksilver waiting to talk to her via long-distance video call. He explains how he was severely injured in the Sentinel's Australian base in #104, and was only saved from death when Crystal and Lockjaw of the Inhumans teleported in. They took him home and Crystal nursed him back to health. Pietro says that he was near death and it's taken him a long time to get well enough to contact Wanda.
He also says that as Crystal ministered to him they fell in love. (Crystal was on the rebound from Human Torch.) Now they plan to marry. Wanda is overjoyed, but she doesn't get the same reaction when she tells her brother that she and Vision are in love too. Pietro angrily reminds her he warned her against it in #99, and now he forbids the relationship and terminates the call.
While Vision consoles Scarlet Witch, the other 4 discuss the Avengers roster. Hawkeye quit last issue and now Quicksilver isn't coming back. Thor hopes nothing else happens to shrink the numbers (though as he correctly points out the team has often been smaller and weaker). Black Panther thinks this isn't the time to let them know the Wakandans want him to return as their chief.
But just then they get another video call. The person holding the camera transmitting the video takes them inside a suburban mansion, and confronts a crippled bald man whom Thor recognises from X-Men #9 as Prof X. Someone else remembers meeting him at Reed and Sue's wedding in Fantastic Four Annual #3.
The Avengers split up to search for the mansion in the video. Iron Man, Thor and Vision fly off in independent directions. Cap and Wanda take a quinjet while Panther pilots his own craft. Cap tells Wanda not to let Pietro's emotional blackmail make her lose Vision. Meanwhile Thor ponders the fact that he risked angering his father Odin for the love of Jane Foster, but that love died in the end anyway. And Tony Stark remembers the bad endings to most of his romances.
Despite the fact that Hawkeye quit last issue, we're still following him around. He's gone to San Francisco to look up his old flame Black Widow in her new home. He knows she's dating Matt Murdock, and partnering Daredevil in crime-fighting (but doesn't know they're the same person). He finds Natasha's aide Ivan recovering from injuries sustained in DD#96. Ivan tells him the Widow's out with DD, Clint leaves, but decides to hang around until Natasha comes home. He's determined to try to rekindle their romance.
Back in New York Cap and Wanda have spotted the mansion in the video, and they call the other Avengers to join them. Inside they all find Cyclops, Ice Man, Marvel Girl and Prof X in comas. Steve and Wanda are attacked by wires emanating from Cerebro, until Cap uses his new superstrength to stop them, and break through a suddenly-stuck door. The pair join the others in carrying the X-Men out of the building. Iron Man has also found someone in Angel's costume.
When they get outside rocks start to erupt out of the ground all around them. The Avengers use various tactics to get themselves and their X-burdens safely to the quinjet. And the rock assault stops. Scarlet Witch guesses that all the attacks have been Magneto toying with them.
Panther recalls that they found no sign of Magneto with the Beast-Brood in the Savage Land in #106. But suddenly they hear the sound of a flute, and they are faced with 4 dinosaurs that now only exist in that Antarctic realm. The Big 3 and Vision deal with 1 dinosaur each, and then the assembled team converge on the piper who seemed to control the beasts.
Vision recalls that Piper was the only 1 of Magneto's Savage Land mutates absent from the Beast-Brood in #106. This adds weight to Wanda's theory that they face Magneto. And boulders rise from the ground once more to form a protective shell around Piper, that even resists Thor's blows with Mjolnir.
Then the supposedly comatose 'Angel' stands up, discards his fake wings and unmasks himself as Magneto. He intends to take the quinjet with the X-Men, and also Scarlet Witch. He magnetically uses Iron Man to KO Cap, and buries Panther, Vision and Thor in more boulders. Vision stays there to help Thor shield Panther, rather than escape via intangibility.
Magneto reveals he has a new power of mind control, which he used on the X-Men. He makes Wanda join Cap and IM in sleep. And flies off with all of them in the quinjet. The remaining 3 Avengers break free of the boulders to find their ship gone.
The issue ends by saying that the story will be continued in DD#99.