The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy return to Earth, leaving Vance Astro aboard their ship Drydock, as he is alive in this era and he cannot chance creating a temporal catastrophe by meeting his younger self. They arrive at Avengers Mansion to a triggered security alarm. A search reveals National Security Agent Henry Peter Gyrich who complains about their poor security and threatens to revoke their special privileges. After Gyrich leaves, Captain America confronts Iron Man about the poor job he’s been doing as leader, with his constants distractions from his work for Tony Stark. The argument almost leads to blows but it is broken up by the Scarlet Witch who reminds Cap that he hasn’t been much help to the team lately. Meanwhile out west, Hawkeye and the Two-Gun Kid are aboard a train heading back to New York, when Two-Gun suddenly vanishes. Meanwhile, Starhawk, in his alter ego of Aleta, tracks down and confronts their enemy, the mysterious Michael, at his new home in Forest Hills. The battle takes place on every plane of existence simultaneously, the physical, the astral, and the cosmic, being detected by persons as diverse as Peter Parker, Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel and the Silver Surfer. Michael overcome his foe crushing him into dust; he then raises Starhawk to life again, erases the ability to detect him from the Guardian’s mind and sends him back to the Avengers to inform his friends that their mission is imperative. Starhawk arrives and delivers his message, just as the assembled heroes are organizing protection for young Vance Astrovik who may be under threat by their enemy. Meanwhile, Michael ponders and plans.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Vance Astro (
Vance Astrovik).