We open with the Phoenix Force devastating part of an alien planet.
Ms Marvel arrives at the rebuilt Avengers Tower, where Iron Man and Protector are squabbling over techy matters. Suddenly the assembled Avengers see something hurtle down from space and knock the wing off an aeroplane, and then knock the top off the Empire State Building.
The team splits up. Thor uses a hammer-whirlwind to guide the plane into the river. Iron Man incinerates the falling wing. Ms Marvel catches most of the falling building, while Spider-Man catches falling debris and people in his webs.
Meanwhile Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye fly a quinjet after Protector to the site where the space-object landed. And find a barely-conscious member of the Nova Corps who warns them "It's coming".
On the X-Men's Utopia island, Magneto and Emma Frost watch Hope Summers training with Cyclops. Suddenly she manifests the Phoenix effect.
Cap and Iron Man brief the President and his cabinet. They have found the energy signature of the Phoenix on the Nova uniform, and have deduced that the Phoenix Force is headed our way. they're sending a team (Beast, Captain Britain, Ms Marvel, Protector, Thor, Valkyrie, Vision and War Machine) to intercept the Phoenix in space before it gets here. (This team's adventures will be followed in Secret Avengers from #26.)
At this point Iron Man is alerted to the Phoenix effect on Utopia.
Cap goes to visit Wolverine at the Jean Grey School in Westchester. Logan tells him the Phoenix is coming for Hope. Cap asks him to help persuade Cyclops to work with the Avengers. Logan predicts Cyclops won't see sense. But Wolverine (re)founded the school to keep young mutants out of fights, so he's reluctant to take sides.
The Utopia X-Men, now including Colossus and Sub-Mariner, are discussing Hope and the Phoenix. Cyclops hopes to use the Phoenix as a force for good this time. The others aren't so sure it's possible to control it.
Captain America arrives and asks them to hand over Hope. He and Cyclops exchange heated words, and Scott blasts Cap with his eye-beams. The SHIELD heli-carrier de-cloaks, holding a large array of Avengers (Black Panther, Black Widow, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Giant-Man, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mockingbird, Red Hulk, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Thing, Wolverine).
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Giant-Man (
Scott Lang).
Phoenix Force.