MODOK Superior and a bunch of cyborg creatures and some ordinary AIM troops attack a convoy carrying an AIM traitor Dr Udaku. Scarlet Witch interrupts the battle, but is a little swamped by the enemy's numbers. Until the passing Spider-Woman and Ms Marvel join in. Leaving Wanda to take down MODOK himself.
Wanda thanks them for their aid. She says she's out of practice. Ms Marvel invites her back to Avengers Mansion, but Wanda's not sure she'll be welcome. Carol insists.
Beast, Iron Man, Thor and Wolverine are in. But the 1st person the Witch meets is her android husband Vision, who gives her a frosty (even for him) reception. He can't forgive her for using him as a weapon against his teammates the last time they were together.
The other Avengers think he's being harsh. But Vision tells her to leave, and Wanda obeys. Ms Marvel carries the sobbing woman away. And the last panel of this half shows (again) that even an android can cry.
One night on the X-Men's Utopia island, Cyclops tries to stop Hope Summers from flying off wearing a jet pack. It turns out she's been flying to San Francisco every night and fighting crime. Cyclops wants her to stay home where she's safe.
Hope wants to know why she's so important, and Cyclops gives her the standard Mutant Messiah answer. She especially wants to know about the Phoenix Force that took over his wife Jean, and that's supposedly coming for Hope. But Cyclops refuses to talk about that. So she uses his own optic blast power against him, and flies away.
Hope interrupts a bank robbery by members of the Serpent Society. Remembering being trained to fight in the future by Cable, she defeats lookout Bushmaster by cutting his cybernetic arms off. When Asp comes to investigate Hope sends her crashing through a wall, possibly using Asp's own mutant electric blasts.
Then Hope finds the rest of the gang, where Puff Adder is using his acid spit to break into the vault. Anaconda wraps her in her snake-like cybernetic arms, but Hope head butts her into submission. Mutant Puff Adder starts to grow, but Hope outdoes him at his own game, and knocks him out.
The final Serpent Cottonmouth tries to bite her with his bionic jaw, but Hope beats him up until she's pulled off by Cyclops. He and Emma Frost have come to take her home.
Hope says she's ready for the Phoenix Force. The last panel shows the Phoenix on its way.
EnemiesPlus: Asp, Bushmaster, Cottonmouth, MODOK Superior, Phoenix Force, Puff Adder.