Last issue SHIELD and the Avengers sent Cannonball, Smasher and Sunspot to investigate trouble centred on AIM Island. They found it shielded, growing larger and housing a futuristic alien city. Then they were attacked and captured.
The issue opens with scenes of the fantastic city and a group shot of Superia, Graviton and the Entropic Man, 3 of the AIM Council from issues of Secret Avengers. With a voiceover by Entropic Man saying he's seen the secret of the universe in the eyes of the dying last men.
Cannonball and Sunspot are recovering from injuries in AIM's infirmary. Smasher continually tries to smash her way out of her cell. An AIM scientist says they should be able to use their newly-acquired capabilities to turn these Avengers into their servants. But the Scientist Supreme says that nothing from the outside world is any use to them anymore. When he learns that Smasher is a Superguardian of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard as well as an Avenger, the Scientist Supreme decides she will be the perfect messenger to the outside.
Bruce Banner is explaining satellite footage of AIM Island to Captain America, Maria Hill and some other SHIELD guys. He thinks the city bespeaks a science centuries ahead of Earth's. Hill says that the UN has given SHIELD permission to invade, despite AIM Island being a nation in the UN and being on the Security Council. Cap is going to take an Avengers team in, and he intends to recall Thor's squad who are helping with disasters caused by the environmental effect of AIM Island's sudden growth. The rest of the Avengers are busy in Madripoor and Italy as seen last issue.
Smasher has a childhood flashback to finding a metal box in a well, which her grandpa had to rescue her from.
Now Izzy suddenly finds her cell wall open, and wanders out into the city, where the baroque soaring buildings coexist with strange lush vegetation. She is greeted by the Scientist Supreme who apologises for the rough welcome she and her comrades were given. He says she's free to leave, but 1st he wants to show her around the place.
In another flashback her grandpa shows young Izzy the mask of Captain Terror, a hero who fought fascists before Captain America. He tells her that most bad people are like that because they're afraid of a world they think is terrible. Good people see good in the world.
The AIM boss tells her that the group has changed. They have a man who has seen the end of the universe and learnt its secret. With the fantastic technologies that result from that, AIM no longer needs to be criminal. They have all they need, and they are working on ways to save the planet and perfect its people.
The promise of an end to sickness and infirmity prompts another flashback as teenage Izzy sees her grandfather die of old age.
The head scientist adds that of course they have to protect themselves from outside aggression. Smasher has been followed around by some alien flying insects. Now 1 of them bites her. And she starts a painful change.
The Entropic Man, the man with the answers, approaches. The Scientist Supreme tells Smasher that she will be their messenger to the outside world. The Entropic Man imparts the secret of the universe:- "Everything dies." And Smasher stands renewed (although the only outside sign is that all the white parts of her uniform are changed to yellow).
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Smasher (
Izzy Kane).
Andrew Forson, Entropic Man.