From the dystopian future of 1991, scientist Godwulf sends a clone of Luther (Deathlok) Manning back to 1983 on an unusual mission: to find the original cyborg he was cloned from. Arriving on a crowded subway platform, the Manning clone panics and runs into the street, where he engages in a (non-fatal) gun battle with the police. Elsewhere, Captain America cuts short a training session with Nomad (Jack Monroe) to head out to Long Island to meet his girlfriend Bernie Rosenthal. Bernie meets Steve at the train station and they drive off toward her parents’ house, with Steve nervous about meeting them for the first time. Meanwhile, a weakening clone has tracked Deathlok’s emanations to a supposedly abandoned Brand Corporation facility, where he stumbles in front of Bernie’s car before disappearing onto the company grounds. When he hears the man mention Deathlok, Steve makes his excuses to Bernie and suits up as Cap to pursue him. He locates the clone in the factory and the man, recognizing Cap as someone he can trust, pours out his story. Moving further into the facility, they are attacked by Brand personnel and break through into the genetic labs. As the Manning clone demands to know the whereabouts of his quarry, he is suddenly shot in the back with a laser weapon: the real Deathlok the Demolisher has arrived….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Bernie Rosenthal, Godwulf.
Brand Corporation.