A suicide bomber walks into an
airport terminal and shouts “Purify!” before detonating the device. The covert
group X-Force is on the case, a mutant team whose job is to do the dirty work
of killing when necessary. The members (Wolverine, Archangel, Psylocke,
Fantomex, Deadpool) connect the bombing to the Purifiers, an underground
organization of anti-mutant bigots; the baddies also have a superhuman hostage,
set for public execution. Psylocke and Fantomex crash an “End of the World”
party where they meet news pundit Benedict Ryan who is secretly a Purifier and
want to know what their plans are. Ryan leaps off the balcony, not wanting to
be touched by mutants. After Fantomex expresses curiosity about seeing what
happens he (Ryan) lands, Psylocke nags him into dispatching EVA to rescue him. The
team interrogates Ryan who, at first, won’t reveal anything but his hatred for
mutants. When Psylocke displays her psychic blade, Ryan relents, fearing
interference with his mind…
…and tells them that the baddies
they want are a splinter group of the Purifiers, led by one Jonathan Standish.
He believes that the devil has come to take people’s souls before they can go
to heaven and it’s not just the mutants responsible but all super people. And
he is planning to give the world their sign, using the captive hero….
The X-Force assault a Purifier
base in Fort Carroll, Baltimore, killing everyone and learning from a punk that
the hero is being held by a splinter group….
On a live transmission, Jonathan
Standish announces how super-people have brought on the end of the world,
exhorting all his listeners to kill themselves to save their souls, and
executing the captive hero with a bullet to the head….