The world wakes up in the morning after Scarlet Witch changed reality again, returning us from the House of M timeline to a modified original. Young Layla Miller wakes to face school again. Peter Parker wakes up in Avengers Tower next to his wife Mary Jane, but can remember being married in the other reality to his 1st love Gwen Stacy.
Spider-Man joins the gradually assembling Avengers. Some also remember what happened, but some don't. Falcon, Luke Cage, Ms Marvel and She-Hulk remember. Captain America, Iron Man and Sentry don't, and Spider-Woman doesn't seem to. Spidey is angry, and only Luke Cage seems to realise what he's going through. (In the HoM reality Luke wasn't with Jessica Jones, and so they didn't have a baby.)
At the X-Men school we start to see the result of Wanda's words "No more mutants". Shadowcat and Emma Frost find many of their students in a panic as they discover their mutant powers have gone.
When Beast, Colossus, Cyclops and Nightcrawler join them it seems like the X-Men proper are still mutants. And they remember the HoM reality, except Colossus.
But Nightcrawler is still worried in case Wolverine has lost his mutant healing ability, because his adamantium skeleton would kill him. He searches the grounds and finds Logan, collapsed but alive. Wolvie is OK, but staggered by the shock of being able to remember his whole life, missing memories and all.
Beast and Cyclops follow Emma into the Cerebra chamber, where she uses the machine to detect that most of the mutants in the world have been depowered. But she can't find Scarlet Witch who caused all this. And she can't find Prof X either.
Kitty has established that the students don't remember HoM, nor staff like Danielle Moonstar who weren't involved. And Bobby Drake adds confusion to the mix by revealing that he's lost his Iceman power too. Emma declares they've got to find Charles Xavier. He'll be able to figure out exactly what's happening, and what they can do about it.
Meanwhile Dr Strange has arrived at Avengers Tower in a shattered state. Wonder Man has joined them too, as they hear news reports about the depowered mutants, and speculation about who or what caused it. William Stryker says it's God's punishment.
Strange theorises that only those who were there at the finale on Genosha last issue can remember what happened, their minds protected by himself and Emma Frost. He too can't locate Wanda Maximoff. And he can't remove Spider-Man's memory, no matter how much the agonised Peter wants him to.
Jarvis alerts them to a screen that indicates someone's at the ruins of Avengers Mansion. When they go to investigate, they find Hawkeye's costume pinned to a wall with arrows, along with a newspaper cutting about his death in Avengers Disassembled.
Meanwhile the Astonishing X-Men team have gone to ruined Genosha to see if they can find any clues there. What they do find is a powerless Magneto, who doesn't know where Wanda, Pietro or Xavier are. The rest of the team stop Logan from killing him.
In an epilogue we see a woman who looks like Wanda in a village that seems to be where she grew up in Transia, beneath Mount Wundagore. Overlaid with an interview with Henry Pym, who speculates on what effect the mutant power loss might have on the world. In particular he wonders where all the mutant energy went. And we see a red glow growing somewhere on the globe.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Dani Moonstar, Jarvis (
Skrull), Layla Miller, Tag, Wallflower, Wind Dancer.
EnemiesPlus: William Stryker.