The heroes who remember the reality before Scarlet Witch changed things are still attacking Magneto's palace in Genosha. Rogue absorbs a lot of power and takes Magneto away. Polaris tries to keep the magnetically-sustained palace from falling apart, and tells Quicksilver to take his sister Wanda to safety. But the Witch crumbles to building blocks in his arms.
Wanda and her twin boys were never really at the party. Dr Strange finds the real versions playing with building blocks in a secluded tower. Steven tries to get the Witch to remember what she's done. He suggests that she wanted to be found out. That she created Layla Miller to return their memories to some of her friends. (He doesn't also mention that she left Wolverine with his memories intact to start with.) Wanda denies knowing anything about this.
Strange shows her the fighting going on outside. Wanda finally admits to having created this reality, but there wasn't supposed to be fighting. Everyone was supposed to be happy.
Dr Strange thinks that Magneto made her do it. And he wants to know where Prof X is. But Scarlet Witch shows him that it was Quicksilver who suggested the idea to her fragile mind.
As we saw in #1 Pietro came to warn his father that the Avengers and the X-Men were coming to kill Wanda. But Magneto thought it might be the only course to take. We now see that the Witch was ready to let them too, as she felt Charles Xavier enter her mind. But Quicksilver persuaded her that by combining Prof X's power with her own she could create a reality where everyone would get to live the life they wanted.
Back in the now, Strange is mentally contacted by Emma Frost, who with Layla Miller and Cloak has found Xavier's tomb empty. Steven again asks Wanda about Prof X. But before she can answer she is hit by an arrow in the back. And Magneto finds the trio at the tomb.
The archer is of course Hawkeye, who has made his own way here after leaving the rest of the team in #5. He's understandably angry that Scarlet Witch killed him during Avengers Disassembled. And the fact that she brought him back to life in the new reality doesn't really square things. But Wanda dissolves the arrow, and then dissolves Hawkeye into his component bricks because he was frightening her sons.
Meanwhile Quicksilver has personally taken out most of the attacking heroes. But Magneto arrives and stops him. Some combination of Layla Miller/Emma Frost/Dr Strange has obviously let him know what really happened. And he smites his son Pietro in righteous anger.
This finally gets Wanda's attention, and she cradles her probably-dead brother. Emma Frost and Dr Strange can sense that in her crazed state she could wipe everything out of existence. But they daren't make a move for fear of triggering the catastrophe.
Wanda holds her father in a mental straight-jacket, and blames him for everything. He always put the mutant cause above his children. Now she's going to change that. She utters the phrase "No more mutants". And everything goes white like it did at the end of #1.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Layla Miller, Toad (
Mortimer Toynbee).
EnemiesPlus: Sauron (
Karl Lykos).