Jessica Drew of the SHIELD Red Guard requests permission to land her plane on the SHIELD Helicarrier. When she disembarks Emma Frost psychically makes sure no-one on the base will see the extra non-SHIELD personnel with her.
Last issue Layla Miller restored the real memories of a group of heroes, who now know they are in a reality created by the Scarlet Witch.
One group, the Red Guard, are elite troops in the forces of Magneto, who rules this world dominated by mutants. Jessica Drew leads a Red Guard squad who have been 'turned' by Layla, comprising Mystique, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Toad and Wolverine. Also along for the ride are Black Cat, Bob Diamond, Carol Danvers, Cloak, Cyclops, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Shadow-Cat, She-Hulk, Spider-Man and Tony Stark.
Cage now remembers his pregnant lover Jessica Jones, and tries to phone her in this reality. Only to find that she she is married to her old boyfriend Scott Lang. Spider-Man is resisting the urge to do the same with Mary Jane Watson.
Emma 'persuades' the Captain Greycrow of the carrier to head for Magneto's base Genosha, where Magnus and his children Polaris, Quicksilver and Wanda are holding a reception. Here we also see Wanda's 2 sons.
Among the attendees is Dr Doom monarch of Latveria, who is surprised to have been invited after he attempted to kill the royal family in the Fantastic Four: HoM limited series. Also there are Black Panther and Storm of Africa, King Namor of Atlantis, and Genis-Vell of the Kree Empire.
Cyclops urges his troops to fight without restraint, because they have to win to get the true reality back. Spidey isn't sure that's possible. Shadow-Cat isn't sure they have the right, because many people might prefer this new reality. And Jessica Drew agrees strongly. But Emma Frost and Scott Summers overrule them.
Cyclops splits them into 3 teams. Emma will locate Prof X, and Cloak will transport her and Layla there. Their task is to show Xavier the old reality. Dr Strange will confront Wanda on the astral plane. The rest will provide a diversion. Which takes the form of a giant Sentinel thrown at the party, with the heroes bursting out of it.
Emma's tean find Xavier's tomb, which would seem to put a crimp in their plan. But Cloak teleports inside, and returns to say it's empty.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Layla Miller, Photon (
Genis-Vell), Shadowcat (
Shadowcat), Toad (
Mortimer Toynbee).
EnemiesPlus: Phantazia, Scalphunter.