Bruce Banner takes Jarella for a walk in the city of Santa Fe. They go shopping, dining, trying to leave their problems behind.
Meanwhile, a man, whose identity remains unknown, has reactivated the Crypto-Man, a powerful robot (last seen in the pages of Thor #174) he plans using for criminal activities and make up a name for himself that way.

He starts by sending the robot to a branch of Bank of Mexico. As the mechanical powerhouse exits the bank with a loot, he stumbles upon Jarella and Banner. Believing she could be mighty like the Hulk because of her green skin, the robot's master programs the Crypto-Man to siphon her strength.

Sensing immediate danger, Banner turns into the Hulk and punches the robot soundly.

Crypto-Man throws the Hulk a car which he ditches. But, it crashes on a wall which collapses. An innocent kid will get buried. Jarella jumps to save the kid, pushing him away from the massive debris. But she takes the whole.
When Hulk realizes what has just happened, he desperately goes to aid Jarella, forgetting about the fight. But the robot follows in closely and hits him from behind.

Hulk's anger increases to seldom seen levels, and although the robot's master fed his creature with immense amounts of additional power, Hulk breaks the Crypto-Man apart with a final mighty blow. The power feedback causes an explosion in the master's lab, causing his demise.

Hulk returns to Jarella. She's barely alive. Speaking softly, she thinks perhaps it's best that way before passing out.

Hulk rushes her to Gamma Base, where Doc Samson and his team try to save her. Unfortunately, they fail. Jarella is dead.
Hulk takes it badly and starts breaking the base apart. Betty Ross calms the monster. Refusing to lose Jarella, he leaps away to find Doctor Strange, hoping magic could do what science cannot.
Also in this story: Thunderbolt Ross, Glenn Talbot.