While driving through New Mexico, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross and Rick Jones stumble upon an army truck that blocks the road. Interestingly, there are a group of apes in the area, although they are a species that no longer exist. An ape steals their car keys; Banner follows him. Meanwhile, Betty and Rick feel ill, and turn into apes.
Banner follows the ape to a cave which houses an old lab of his. The High Evolutionary is in it. His desire to live has faded, as his power is inferior to that of a god. However, his armor ensures his survival while devolving those nearby.
Banner is immune to devolution because of his gamma altered genetics. Upon witnessing Betty and Rick transformed into apes, he transforms into the Hulk and confronts the High Evolutionary. Hulk finally destroys his armor after many tries.
The High Evolutionary restores everything to normal before transforming into dust.
Also in this issue, in flashbacks: Thunderbolt Ross, Glenn Talbot, Starhawk, The Thing, Alicia Masters, Moondragon, Her, Sphinxor.