Iron Man (1968 series) #165 synopsis by
T Vernon
The Laird of Glen Travail vanishes, leaving Iron Man to rescue Rhodey (staked out for spiders); the villain leaves the task of destroying the hero to his dwarf minion/weapons-designer the Rook. Shellhead tries tracing the cable leading to the viewscreen though the castle corridors—suddenly a giant granite block drops on him. But to Rook’s surprise, Iron Man is able to slowly raise himself and hurl the stone away. A brief check shows his repulsors are still out from the battle last issue and he is very low on power….
Brief interlude: Back in America, Vic Martinelli has linked Tattoo and the Knight to a consortium of shady industrialists who are upset that Tony Stark won’t join their schemes….
Trying another door, Iron Man finds his wrists and ankles seized by manacles and the wall moving to pull him apart; with an assist from his boot jets, he breaks free. Coming to the next door, he bashes it down and finds Indres Moomji held captive; he comforts her with the assurance that Tony is in no danger and then moves on….
Brief interlude: Pepper Potts Hogan grows wistful watching a TV program about Tony Stark….
Following the cable, the next door he enters slams shut trapping Iron Man in a chamber with ceramic insulation; suddenly a purple gas is piped in and it begins melting Tony’s armor. Quickly reviewing his options, Shellhead tears the insulation off the door and allows the purple mist to eat through the outer door to freedom. Realizing that the cable was designed to lead him here, Shellhead jets outside and uses his scanning equipment to locate a cave where he finds the poisoned Rhodey and rushes him to a doctor. Recharging his batteries but still in his melted armor, the Golden Avenger returns to Glen Travail and seizes the Laird to turn over to the authorities.
Returning to town, Tony promises the doctor that the finest medical equipment will be delivered to save Rhodey’s life…
Surprise Epilogue: We discover that the Laird of Glen Travail was not the mysterious chess player and that Tony is not yet out of danger….
Story #3(No Title Given)
Unknown. Penciler/Inker: