Iron Man (1968 series) #166 synopsis by
T Vernon
Page one: waiting outside Tony Stark’s office is the old villain known as the Melter. More on this later….
In Scotland, Tony Stark has medical equipment flown in to save the life of Jim Rhodes who was poisoned last issue. Indres Moomji tries to calm his turbulent spirit by taking him to a pub where the publican mocks him for ordering only water. He walks out. Intending to fly home, he learns that his pilot’s license has expired; on a commercial flight, there is a litany of problems, including delays, no food, and lost luggage—then martinis are spilled in his lap. Arriving at his office, Tony discovers the Melter waiting for him. Donning an older suit of armor (since his current set was badly damaged last issue), Iron Man confronts the baddie who has just been released from prison and is out for revenge. But Tony is clumsy in the older model armor and his attack misses; the Melter accidentally dissolves the floor and Shellhead has to rescue Mrs. Arbogast (who does not appreciate the manhandling). Melter’s secret weapon does not affect this older armor and Iron Man easily knocks him out, just as the room collapses, leading to more construction costs….
Trying to relax, Tony then gets a call from Vic Martinelli who gives him the dossier on the mysterious villain who is trying to sabotage Stark International: his name is Obadiah Stane and he is headquartered in Utah….
Again, another litany of annoyances dogs Tony on his flight west, including rain, missing rental car, failed phone service, and a tornado moving into the area. Donning his armor, Iron Man flies to Stane’s corporate headquarters where he is greeted by heat-seeking missiles, conventional artillery, and laser weapons which he successfully dodges (thanks to his jet boots and rocket-powered roller skates). Finally Shellhead ends up dragging a remote controlled tank into Stane command room as he comes face-to-face with his newest enemy. Obadiah Stane freely admits to being the head of an alliance of powerful industrialists who wish nothing more than to seize power (destroying Tony Stark on the way), as well as confessing that he was behind Tattoo (issue #162), the Chessmen (#163), and the Laird of Glen Travail (#164-65). He also notes that Iron Man cannot prove anything to the law. The hero departs with Stane’s promise of three surprises for Tony Stark awaiting him….
Back at Stark International, Tony is informed that several of his contracts have been outbid and Rhodey has gone missing from the hospital in Scotland. Stressed out, beaten, and bone-weary, Tony looks longingly at a bottle of whiskey….