Comic Browser: #1 - Extremis One of Six #2 - Extremis Two of Six #3 - Extremis Three of Six #4 - Extremis Four of Six #5 - Extremis Five of Six #6 - Extremis Six of Six #7 - Execute Program part 1 #8 - Execute Program part 2 #9 - Execute Program part 3 #10 - Execute Program Part 4 #11 - Execute Program Part 5 #12 - [Credits and Recap] #13 - (no title given) #14 - (No title given) #15 - (no title given) #16 - (no title given) #17 - (no title given) #18 - (no title given) #19 - (No Title Given) #20 - In Absentia #21 - Haunted, part 1 #21 - [Previously...] #22 - Haunted, part 2 #23 - Haunted, part 3 #24 - Haunted, part 4 #24 - [Credits and Recap] #25 - [Credits and Recap] #25 - Haunted, part 5 #26 - Haunted, part 6 #26 - Previously... #27 - Haunted, part 7 #28 - Haunted, part 8 #29 - With iron hands, part 1 of 4 #30 - With iron hands, part 2 of 4 #31 - With iron hands, part 3 of 4 #32 - With iron hands, conclusion #33 - War Machine weapon of SHIELD part 1 #34 - War Machine weapon of SHIELD part 2 #35 - War Machine weapon of SHIELD part 3
> Invincible Iron Man comic book info and issue index
All stories. Listed in alphabetical order.