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Iron Man House of M #3

Nov 2005
?, ?

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Story #2


Writer: Greg Pak. Penciler: Pat Lee. Inker: Dream Engine. Colorist: Dream Engine. Editor: Stephanie Moore. Cover Penciler: Pat Lee. Cover Inker: Pat Lee. Letterer: Rus Wooton.


By Rob Johnson
Rating: 3.5 stars
Last issue Hank Pym set off a gene bomb that destroyed some mutants. He has scattered 103 more throughout Chicago, but he won't tell Tony Stark where they are. Tony is in his new Iron Man armour alongside his fellow armoured gladiator Johnny Storm.

Iron Man uses his AI JARVIS to analyse Pym's bomb, and scan the city for the others. Then Tony Stark contacts Forge and Henry McCoy at the lab, and tells them to pass the information on to Magneto. Meanwhile Tony and Johnny split up to destroy as many of the bombs as they can in the 17 minutes before they go off. Storm complains that he expected to fight mutants, not save them, but goes along anyway.

Part way through they are joined by a squad of new Vision Sentinels. Forge confirms that he and McCoy had finally gotten them working. And that they have been sent to help destroy the bombs. But the robots instead attack Iron Man, and take out Johnny Storm.

It turns out that Tony's father Howard had planted a backdoor entry into the Visions' controls. And now he turns up in his own armour. Tony realises that Howard and Pym planned this together.

Iron Man contacts Flash Thompson, who covers the Sapien Death Match contests for a TV station. Flash mobilises all the other Death Match armoured contestants to join the fight against the Visions. Flash also broadcasts it, and urges his viewers, Sapien or Mutant, to search and destroy the remaining bombs.

All the bombs are destroyed except 1 group of 13, guarded by the remaining Visions and Howard Stark. But Howard unexpectedly turns control of the Visions over to Tony, along with one of the gene bombs. And says that he's now a hero to both humans and mutants. Howard now claims that he never expected to kill loads of mutants, just one.

Magneto himself has been lured here, and uses his magnetic power to destroy the Visions and Howard's armour. But Tony's suit is unaffected because he has counter-magnets built in. And it causes(?) Magneto's powers to vanish(?) (temporarily?).

With his dying breath Howard tells Tony to kill Magneto with the bomb. Then his new hero status will enable him to lead the world to a better future. But Tony destroys the bomb instead.

Later House of M takes over Stark Industries and arrests Hank Pym. Tony Stark is a wanted man, but Iron Man is a hero.

Story #3

Creatures on the Loose!

Writer: Keith Giffen.


By None
Rating: 3 stars

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Review / Commentaries

Iron Man House of M #3 Review by (July 16, 2013)
Magneto's guys got the Vision tech installed in Sentinels in the 5 minutes since last issue! I don't fully understand how the fight with Magneto ends. I'm pretty sure Magneto should know that Iron Man is Tony Stark after this issue. Stark turns up in HoM#5 at a public press conference, so not *very* hunted.

> Iron Man House of M comic book info and issue index

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(Henry Phillip McCoy)
Human Torch
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(Johnny Storm)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Anthony Stark)

Plus: Hank Pym (Skrull), Howard Stark.