On her way to a job, Tigra dashes across the city but is halted
when she sees a police officer warning a group of teenagers about drinking and
disturbing local businesses. One of the punks grabs a tire iron to assault the
cop but Tigra swoops down to seize the kid while the cop judo flips another
attacker. The kids flee and the cop declines to follow them because he knows
where to find them; besides, he was once like that and doesn’t see jail as
helping them in any way. Impressed, she kisses him and invites herself to
dinner when he finishes his shift….
Tigra shows up for her job a little late; she will be a celebrity
spokesperson for Kwikkee Burger, a fast-food chain. She is surprised to find
Spider-Man there. The boss Bickey explains that his superiors insisted he team
Tigra with a better-known hero for the commercials. Spidey changes his mind and
departs and Tigra films the commercials as originally intended. When she is
leaving, Spidey is waiting and asks her for a date but she brushes him off. An
embarrassed Spider-Man realizes he was attracted to her because she reminded
him of the Black Cat, recently dead. Then his Spider-Sense tingles, indicating
a huge man walking along the street and he follows him….
Tigra is waiting outside the police station when her date, Officer
Carl Kronsky exits, surprising him because he wasn’t sure she was serious. As
they dine at a restaurant and Tigra flirts, the big man enters and smashes the
table in front of them. He doffs his coat and hat to reveal Zabo, brutish
henchman to villain Malcolm Donalbain, whom she thought dead. But he isn’t and
he’s stronger than she remembers. Spidey arrives and tries to fight the
villain. Tigra leads them all into the street where she tries to contend with
the vengeful brute but Spidey and Carl keep getting in her way—and each other’s—as
they try to rescue her. They end up crashing into a Kwikkee Burger and wrecking
the place. Zabo reveals that he is seeking revenge for the Cat’s having killed
his master Mal Donalbain while Tigra tries to explain that Donalbain killed
himself. And then Zabo goes one step further to reveal Mal Donalbain was his
brother. Spidey leaps on Zabo and Carl arrives with a force of police officers
while Tigra tries to explain to them that Zabo is a victim of Donalbain’s
manipulation. But Zabo thumps Tigra, knocking her out. Spidey makes the
decision to believe what Tigra has been saying so he webs up the cops. Tigra
revives and, at the big guy’s mercy, groggily pleads with Zabo to realize that
Mal was lying to him. Zabo pauses…then crashes out of the place, tears in his
As Tigra and Spidey makes all the explanations to Carl Kronsky,
including an assurance that the webbing will soon dissolve, freeing the cops, Daily
Bugle photographer Lance Bannon arrives to snap some photos of Spidey. Then
Kwikkee Burger big shot Bickey arrives and throws a fit over the damage to the
store. He fires Tigra from being the company rep; she makes a smart remark and
takes off, also telling Carl that maybe she won’t be seeing him again either. Bickey
continues ranting so Spidey webs up his mouth and takes his leave, too….