In a flashback a Hydra agent offers the disfigured and hospitalised Yelena Belova (the 2nd Black Widow) a chance to strike back at the Avengers for what they did to her in #6. Hydra have hired AIM to transform her into a new Super-Adaptoid. The agent says he doesn't want Spider-Woman harmed, if possible, because she's working for them.
In the present the Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Sentry, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Wolverine) are having some downtime in Avengers Tower along with Ms Marvel, Jarvis, Lindy Reynolds and Mary Jane and May Parker. A frazzled Jessica Jones arrives with baby Danielle in tow. The other women coo over the baby, except Jessica Drew.
Jessica Jones quietly says "Yes" to a marriage proposal Luke Cage made earlier. Luke immediately announces it to the room (so she can't retract it like the last time).
Iron Man as Tony Stark takes Cap and Sentry outside for a meeting with the Mayor, to smooth ruffled feathers over the unsanctioned conversion of Stark Tower into Avengers Tower, complete with Sentry's Watchtower on top. But he's not helped by Belova showing up in Adaptoid mode.
Hearing the battle below, Ms Marvel leads the other Avengers into the fray. Cap hustles the Mayor to safety while the Adaptoid mimics Sentry's power, and that of Ms Marvel and the other arriving Avengers. She then goes in chase of Cap, who's driving the Mayor away in a car. Sentry gives chase, but Yelena easily bests him. Ms Marvel tries to absorb the powers from the Adaptoid, thus robbing her of them, but it doesn't work.
Battered Tony Stark recovers, suits up and joins the others. He explains about Super-Adaptoid's powers, but too late of course. Spider-Man wonders what would happen if the Adaptoid tried to adapt to multiple copies of the same hero. This gives Stark and idea, and he tells the others to keep the Adaptoid busy until he returns.
The team, including the returned Cap, repeatedly attack the villainess. Including Ms Marvel and Wolverine doing Logan's patented fastball special. But the Adaptoid shrugs them all off until she is confronted by an array of old Iron Man armours, remotely piloted by Stark. But nothing is enough against Cage's unbreakable skin, Wolverine's unbreakable bones and his healing factor.
But then a side-effect of Sentry's power manifests, as the Void appears in Belova's mind. And she hasn't the experience to keep it in check. Her absorbed abilities desert her. Sentry offers to take the Void away if she'll tell them who's behind her attack (although Logan says it's obviously Hydra). But AIM cause Adaptoid to self-destruct before she can answer.
After the fight Iron Man wants to know what Spider-Woman knows about all this. He's not happy about her double-agent role (which they learned about in #14). But SW protests her innocence.
Now we finally get to the cover scene as Luke and Jessica Jones get married. Jessica confirms that she really wants to marry Luke, despite all the baddies that keep attacking them. And anyway, no supervillan interrupted the wedding, so that's a good sign.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Danielle Cage, Jeryn Hogarth, Lindy Reynolds.
EnemiesPlus: Jarvis (