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One World Under Doom (2025 series) #01

on-sale: Feb 12, 2025
Ryan North | R B Silva

One World Under Doom (2025 series) #01 cover

Story Name:

Chapter One: The Exercise of Power


One World Under Doom (2025 series) #01 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

Doctor Doom broadcasts to the entire world that, as Sorcerer Supreme, he now rules the planet. But he claims to be no dictator: he makes two decrees: One, war between nations is now outlawed and Two: Everyone shall be treated with respect. He offers free universal health care and education, claiming these were always possible but never reached because of greed and moral cowardice. And he reveals that he knows of a rebellion against him being plotted in Khamiskan—and as he speaks, Doombots attack and overpower the rebel leaders as a warning to the plotters in other nations around the world. And so world leaders pledge allegiance to Doom and the flag of Latveria rises over the White House and other national sites around the world….

And so various heroes of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and others gather to decide on a response. Present are the Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing), the Avengers (Captain Marvel (CD), Captain America (SR), Captain America (SW), Scarlet Witch, Vision, Thor, Iron Man, Storm) and independents Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Squirrel Girl with her friend Nancy Whitehouse. Various topics are discussed, including why world leaders have accepted the new state of affairs. Mind control? Doombots? Magic? Wanda does not detect any magic at work here or in world capitals. Carol (who is presiding), receives a call from Black Widow who is in Europe watching Hydra. Natasha patches through a broadcast from Baron Zemo announcing that Hydra forces will be invading Latveria in a bid to overthrow Doom. The group decides to travel to Latveria to take care of both Doom and Zemo then decide what happens next. Sue creates an airliner out of force fields and they fly to Europe, Spidey and Johnny bantering along the way….

They arrive at the Latverian border and discover some sort of force field that bars their way, one that not even Carol or Vision can pass through. As they ponder the situation, they pick up a broadcast from Baron Zemo, announcing that he now understands that Doom’s way is the best and so Hydra will devote itself to building schools and hospitals and clearing landmines. He ends by giving the secret authorization code, convincing Tony it’s not faked. They trace the broadcast to a Hydra flying island. They decide to split into two teams, one remaining to try to pierce the force field and the other to fight Hydra….

Soon the anti-Hydra team is invading the flying island and battling the hordes of Hydra, leading to the capture of Baron Zemo. Cap is suspicious and asks what happened on October 1, 1945. When he can’t answer, Cap knocks his head off, revealing a Doombot who didn’t recognize the date Hydra was founded. They review the robot’s recordings and learn Doom killed Zemo on the spot and replaced him with a more obedient Doombot. Iron Man then makes a broadcast to the world, revealing that the supposedly benevolent Doom murdered Zemo. The result is that in Europe, Hydra agents go on a killing spree which is shut down by Doom himself, riding a flying Doom Tyrannosaurus Rex. Doom responds to Iron Man’s message by admitting that he killed Zemo—and the Red Skull, too. Both men were unrepentant Nazis and a problem that the so-called heroes were never able to solve. Doom then paints the Avengers as a bunch of bitter failures who could not solve the big problems so all they can do is try to tear down Doom. And they played right into his hands as Doom further consolidates his power, winning the love of the ordinary people, including a woman and baby whose lives he saved from Hydra….

Good (or All)
Plus: Nancy Whitehouse, Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green).


> One World Under Doom (2025 series) comic book info and issue index

One World Under Doom (2025 series) #01 cover

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Main/1st Story Full Credits

R B Silva
R B Silva
David Curiel
Ben Harvey (Cover Penciler)
Ben Harvey (Cover Inker)
Ben Harvey (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Travis Lanham.
Editor: Tom Brevoort. Editor-in-chief: C. B. Cebulski.

Review / Commentaries

One World Under Doom (2025 series) #01 Review by (February 12, 2025)

Review: Well this gets off to a good start with Doctor Doom already in control of the world, leaving the good guys to fumble a response. And with good reason: so far, Doom has only demonstrated his compassion and wisdom in dealing with the world’s problems. The issue seems a bit too full of characters and dialogue balloons occupy a lot of real estate so now that the premise is well established, things can settle down and let it develop without a lot of heavy exposition. At least they were able to make room for Spidey and Torch’s comic banter, always a highlight. And there’s a T. Rex Doombot the villain uses as a steed. Now that’s something we never expected.

Comments: Doctor Doom stole the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme from Stephen Strange in BLOOD HUNT #5. The Doom T Rex was explained in FANTASTIC FOUR (2022) #13. Issue includes a tribute to the late Greg Hildebrandt, celebrated illustrator, notably of the original poster for STAR WARS (1977) with his twin brother Tim.  


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