Comic Browser: #1 - We Found the Ninth Wonder of the World! #2 - When Aliens Meet! #3 - I Journeyed Back to the 20th Century! #4 - I Was a Prisoner of the Martians! #5 - I Was Trapped by the Things on Easter Island! #6 - I Saw the Invasion of the Stone Men #7 - He Waits For Us in the Glacier! #8 - I Dared Defy the Floating Head! #9 - Return of the Genie! #10 - I Was Trapped By Titano the Monster That Time Forgot! #11 - I Found Monstrom! The Dweller in the Black Swamp! #12 - I Discovered Gorgilla! The Monster of Midnight Mountain! #13 - I Challenged... Groot! The Monster from Planet X! #14 - I Created Krang! The Most Fantastic Monster The World Has Ever Known! (Chapter One) #15 - I Learned the Dread Secret of the Blip! #16 - Here Comes...Thorr the Unbelievable #17 - Vandoom, the Man Who Made a Creature! (Chapter 1) #18 - Gorgilla Strikes Again! #19 - Rommbu! #20 - What Was "X" the Thing That Lived! (Part 1) #21 - Trull! The Inhuman! #22 - I Dared to Battle the Crawling Creature! (Part 1) #23 - The Unbelievable Menace of Moomba (Part 1) #24 - I Found the Abominable Snowman! (Part 1) #25 - I Was Captured by the Creature from Krogarr! #26 - Look Out!! Here Come the...Four-Armed Men! #27 - The Man in the Ant Hill #28 - I Am the... Gorilla-Man #29 - When the Space Beasts Attack!! #30 - The Return of the Gorilla-Man #31 - When the Mummy Walks #32 - Quicksand! #33 - Dead Storage #34 - A Monster at My Window! #35 - Return of the Ant-Man! #36 - The Challenge of Comrade X! #37 - Trapped by the Protecter! #38 - Betrayed by the Ants! #39 - The Vengeance of the Scarlet Beetle! #40 - The Day That Ant-Man Failed! #41 - Prisoner of the Slave-World! #42 - The Voice of Doom! #43 - The Mad Master of Time! #44 - The Creature from Kosmos! #45 - The Terrible Traps of Egghead! #46 - ..When Cyclops Walks the Earth #47 - Music to Scream By #48 - The Porcupine! #49 - The Birth of Giant-Man! #50 - The Human Top! #51 - Showdown with the Human Top #52 - The Black Knight Strikes! #53 - Trapped by the Porcupine! #54 - No Place to Hide! #55 - On the Trail of the Human Top! #56 - The Coming of the Magician! #57 - On the Trail of the Amazing Spider-Man! #58 - The Coming of… Colossus #59 - Enter: The Hulk! #60 - Can A Man With Green Skin And A Petulant Personality Find True Happiness In Today's Status-Seeking S #61 - Captured At Last! #62 - Enter... The Chameleon! #63 - A Titan Rides The Train! #64 - The Horde Of Humanoids! #65 - On The Rampage Against The Reds! #66 - The Power Of Doctor Banner #67 - Where Strikes The Behemoth! #68 - Back From The Dead! #69 - Trapped In The Lair Of The Leader! #70 - To Live Again! #71 - Like A Beast At Bay! #72 - Within The Monster Dwells A Man! #73 - Another World, Another Foe! #74 - The Wisdom Of The Watcher! #75 - Not All My Power Can Save Me! #76 - I Against The World! #77 - Bruce Banner Is The Hulk #78 - The Hulk Must Die! #79 - The Titan And The Torment #80 - They Dwell In The Depths! #81 - The Stage Is Set! #82 - The Power of Iron Man! #83 - Less Than Monster, More Than Man #84 - Rampage in the City! #85 - The Missile And The Monster #86 - The Birth Of The Hulk-Killer #87 - The Humanoid And The Hero! #88 - Boomerang and The Brute #89 - ... Then, There Shall Come A Stranger! #90 - The Abomination! #91 - Whosoever Harms The Hulk..! #92 - Turning Point #93 - He Who Strikes The Silver Surfer #94 - To The Beckoning Stars #95 - A World He Never Made #96 - What Have I Created? #97 - The Legions Of Living Lightning #98 - The Puppet And The Power #99 - When The Monster Wakes #100 - Let There Be Battle #101 - Where Walk The Immortals
Iron Man has a projector that shows a picture of the Hulk battling Spider-Man (from Amazing Spider-Man #14). Giant-Man wants the Hulk to rejoin the Avengers and goes to New Mexico to find the green-skinned behemoth. Secretly, the Human Top, who hates Pym, follows Giant-Man.The big hero arrives at the base of General Thunderbolt Ross and asks Bruce Banner about the Hulk. Note: Nobody yet knows the Hulk and Banner are the same! Banner gets upset, and runs into the desert where he turns into his monster self, who eventually finds Giant-Man and battles him.
“Let’s Learn About Hank and Jan!”Writer: Stan Lee. Pencils: Dick Ayers. Inks: Paul Reinman. Colors: ? Letters: Sam Rosen.
Synopsis: A detailed description of Giant-Man’s and Wasp’s powers and abilities, though it’s most about him.
New review and comments by Peter Silvestro:
Review: A rather nice tale of Giant-Man feeling sorry for Hulk and wanting to help him and a surprisingly articulate Hulk distrusting him and wanting to beat him up. The chief purpose of the story is to introduce and/or summarize the Hulk for the benefit of readers who might not be familiar with him, as his solo series ended a few years earlier, the fastest casualty for early Marvel. Now that the readers are up to speed, Hulk’s new series begins in the next issue and this one would be successful. So Giant-Man wants to help Hulk. The big trouble comes with the Human Top encouraging Hulk to oppose Giant-Man in order to take revenge against his humongous foe. And as usual, the Human Top is the craziest thing in the story. First, we learn that Top is out on parole—four months after he was arrested. This city must have either the most efficient justice system, to get the guy indicted, tried, convicted, and paroled in record time—or the worst. He has wised up in two ways: a) he has trained himself to create a speed blast, making him an actual physical threat and b) he recognizes that his green costume was stupid, making him too easy to recognize, though his solution is to not wear a costume, presumably so he will be indistinguishable from all the other men who can spin like a top. The moment when General Ross sees him and can’t believe his eyes yet somehow listens to this guy’s advice. Ross’ strategy: fire off a nuclear warhead which will “damage a minimum of property” but knock out Hulk. Listen, if a guy can spin like a top then they can invent a nuke that only damages what they want damaged. So the coolest bit is the single-use miniature rocket invented by Hank Pym, which has apparently changed size multiple times while he’s switched between Giant and Ant before he uses the thing. Aw, it’s cute. And so is Wasp as she tries to stop a nuclear missile. The two heroes batter each other in some silly looking art for the era. And in the end, Hulk grabs the nuke because he wants to be the one to kill Giant-Man or die trying. And Hank mistakes this for Hulk trying to save his life and goes home happy, if deluded. Meanwhile, the big three: Cap, Thor, Iron Man, prove not to give a tinker’s cuss for the Hulk—but then, this isn’t their titles.
Comments: Giant-Man story: First TALES TO ASTONISH appearance of the Hulk. This comic book becomes THE INCREDIBLE HULK Volume 2 with issue #102. Hulk’s previous appearance was in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14. First appearances in this title of Iron Man, Thor, General Ross, and Betty Ross. Human Top last appeared in issue #55 and will return in #68-69. Note the billboard for Standick Motor Oil, combining the first names of the writer and the penciler of the issue.
> Tales to Astonish comic book info and issue index
Listed in Alphabetical Order.