Comic Browser:


The X-Men #96

Dec 1975
Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum

Story Name:

Night of the Demon!


The X-Men #96 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 3.5 stars

This issue opens with Cyclops walking through the woods near the Xavier Institute as he thinks back to Thunderbird’s death from last issue. Still deeply affected by it weeks later, Cyclops cuts loose with his optic blasts in anger and frustration, completely demolishing the nearby tree line and breaking a mysterious stone cairn located nearby. He chides himself for his carelessness, telling himself that Thunderbird, like all of them, knew the risks, and that he must go on living, while honoring the dead. Unbeknownst to Cyclops, as he walks away, a mysterious smoke starts to emanate from the broken cairn. We then cut to the rest of the X-Men, who are training in the Danger Room, when Colossus accidentally hits Wolverine full force. This only serves to make Wolverine angry, as he attempts to attack Colossus, but is repelled by a gust of wind from Storm. Nightcrawler has a good laugh at the situation, which causes Wolverine to lunge at him instead, only avoiding Wolverine’s claws due to teleporting out of the way.

Banshee admonishes Wolverine, saying he could have killed Nightcrawler, before Professor X tells Banshee about the new housekeeper that should be arriving shortly. Just then the doorbell rings and Banshee goes to answer, expecting an old, decrepit woman, and is instead stunned by the relatively young woman in front of him, who introduces herself as Moira MacTaggert. We cut again to a secret installation among the Adirondack Mountain Preserve, where a man named Steven Lang awaits the arrival of his friend Col. Michael Rossi. Lang is looking for approval for Project Armageddon, where he plans to capture and examine the X-Men, so that humanity may know how best to protect themselves against mutants and to wipe them out if necessary. Rossi opposes Lang’s anti-mutant views and says he’ll pull the plug on Project Armageddon as soon as he gets back to Washington, causing Lang to resort to making sure he never does.

Back at the Institute, the X-Men are getting acquainted with Moira MacTaggert and Professor Xavier admits he hired her to look after the place while he’s gone. He’s decided to take a little earned vacation away from the stressors of his current life. Banshee in particular has taken a shine to Dr. MacTaggert, while Storm expresses concerns of revealing so much of their operation to a seeming outsider. Just then, Cyclops comes flying through the window, in the midst of battle with some unknown force, when said force arrives just after. A huge demon-like creature named Kierrok, one of the N’Garai, smashes through the wall, saying he’s come for the X-Men’s lives and souls. Storm tries to protect Xavier from Kierrok but gets injured in the process. Colossus and Nightcrawler both try attacking the monster, with both getting swatted away. Finally, Wolverine gets involved, attacking the creature in a berserker rage and cutting the beast to bits.

However, Kierrok doesn’t stay down for long, as he begins to regenerate and reform. Professor X tries to mind-probe Kierrok before he recovers but gets overwhelmed by the horrible visions he sees. Moira tries attacking the creature with a machine gun to no avail and Banshee ducks her out of the way, though applauds her tenacity. Xavier discovered that the cairn is the source of Kierrok’s power and sends Storm to seal it. When she arrives, Storm gets attacked by ghostly demonic beings that try to drag her into the cairn. She has flashes of her childhood, of once being buried alive in rubble and determines that that won’t happen again as she destroys the cairn with a huge lightning strike. Back at the Institute, Kierrok fades away into nothingness, though both Xavier and Storm determine that this won’t be the last they hear from the N’Garai. We then get one final epilogue, showing that Lang had indeed crashed the plane Col. Rossi was on, succeeding in making sure he never made it back to Washington.


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #96 Review by (May 29, 2024)

Review: This issue has always felt a little out of place to me, especially among these early issues, but even with the Claremont era as a whole. It mostly deals with the X-Men fighting a demonic creature called Kierrok, one of the N’Garai, who was accidentally freed from a nearby cairn by Cyclops. I always thought it weird that the cairn housing this ancient demonic creature just happened to be nearby. Also, while the N’Garai do show up again, it’s such a long time later that it makes this random, early appearance feel very jarring and out of place amongst the rest of the series. There are a surprising number of firsts as well, the most important of which being the debut of Dr. Moira MacTaggert, an important recurring character in the X-Men mythos. Wolverine also gets to cut loose and go into one of his berserker rages for the first time, though Kierrok doesn’t stay down from his assault for long.

We also set up the plot of Dr. Steven Lang’s plans to capture, study, and eventually exterminate mutants, starting with the X-Men. This will come back around a couple issues from now when he enacts said plot. Similarly, we get the first glimpses of Storm’s past, which will be followed up in more detail later on, bit by bit. This kind of thing will become a staple of Claremont’s writing, introducing plot threads early on, while waiting to pay them off, sometimes even years later. It’s something I’ve always appreciated about his writing, his attention to detail and his great big picture view, seeming to know exactly how he wants his series to go and not being afraid to plant seeds early on. It makes the whole little world of the X-Men in this series feel a little more real and cohesive.

Comments: First appearance of Moira MacTaggert. First instance of Wolverine’s “berserker rage.” First time Wolverine calls Nightcrawler “elf.” First glimpses of Storm’s past. First appearance of Dr. Steven Lang. John Romita and Dave Cockrum also provided touch-ups to the cover. Bill Mantlo assisted in the plotting for this issue.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Dave Cockrum
Sam Grainger
Phil Rachelson
Sal Buscema (Cover Penciler)
Sal Buscema (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Plot: . Letterer: Dave Hunt.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Kurt Wagner)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Kierrok, Steven Lang.