In Las Vegas, an elegant and mysterious woman walks through the streets, A dude who tries to proposition her finds his hand turned to glass. The woman reaches her home and we discover she is Hela, Goddess of Death. Loki (in a woman’s body, remember?) tells her s/he has the perfect plan of vengeance against Thor but needs to be restored to his original body to travel back in time to pursue it. Hela draws him out of the female host body and endows him with time travel powers. The male Loki heads back to the battle between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants and meets his father Laufey. He arranges to have Bor, father of Odin, led into a trap and then casts a spell turning him into living snow (seen in flashback in issue #7). He then moves ahead in time to find himself as a boy. Revealing his identity, Loki coaches his younger self on how to react when Odin slays his father Laufey. The boy follows the scheme and is adopted by Odin (as seen in flashback in issue #8). After the All-Father and his new son leave, the grown Loki seizes a sword and hacks apart the mortally wounded Laufey, exacting his long-delayed vengeance. Loki then returns to the present, where Hela has recognized his stolen body as that of Thor’s beloved Sif. The Trickster resumes his female form, thanks Hela for her assistance and takes his leave….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Bor (
Bor Burison).