Thor returns to the United States,
towing the crippled jet liner and shocking hundreds of witnesses at
JFK Airport. He lands the plane safely then takes off before the
police can talk to him. As he flies through the city he muses on his
mixed feelings about using a secret identity. Landing, he transforms
back into Dr Donald Blake and almost immediately encounters a former
patient, Mrs Worthington Ford, who is able to get him into the
apartment building where Dr Damian told him his daughter was staying.
Don finds Sersi's apartment door unlocked and looks in to find it a
shambles—and there is a gigantic red-haired man there who demands
he leave. When Don refuses the fellow turns into the huge Mutate
Karkas, leading Don to turn into Thor. They fight until Karkas
realizes that Thor is not an evil Deviant and then the Mutate
activates Sersi's magic mirror and Thor is able to see the events
leading up to this meeting....
Ikaris and Margo Damian flew from the
window (seen last issue) and were snatched up by an aircraft piloted
by the Eternal Thena and two Mutates, Karkas and Reject (later known
as Ransak). After making introductions (and dissing the absent
Sersi), Thena announces that she has found the new city of the
Deviants. Landing the ship and turning it invisible, the Eternals use
their powers to give everyone a human appearance. They go down into
the subway and after the train has gone by jump onto the tracks,
Thena paralyzing a police officer who tries to stop them. They follow
the tracks deeper into the Earth using the Deviatron, a device that
detects Deviants (what else?); when they reach the city they drop
their disguises and enter boldly. They are immediately attacked by
the denizens of the city and fight back, though still hoping to make
common cause against the Celestials. The Deviant warlord Kro seizes
Margo, forcing the others to surrender—except for Karkas who
escapes and sets out to find Sersi...
...arriving at her apartment only
moments before Thor. And now that their stories are sorted out Sersi
reveals herself as having disguised herself as her own figurine,
having just defeated a Deviant interloper whom she disguised as a cat
statue. Hearing the police coming, Thor flies them all away to a
nearby rooftop where the Deviant, under pressure, reveals the
existence of an unguarded entrance to the Deviant city in Central
Park. The trio of heroes intend to journey there in hopes of
persuading the Deviants to join with the Eternals and the Humans....