Thor, still brooding over the
Celestials, tries to go back in time to his first meeting with them
but he becomes lost in the timestream as Mjolnir vanishes from his
hand and he finds himself in a misty nowhere. He is welcomed to Limbo
by the Space Phantom who explains what is going on: his race invented
time travel before space travel and used it to wage war among
themselves. This tinkering with time created a major mess and the
Phantom was lost in Limbo; Immortus found him and agreed to help him
in exchange for SP bringing him subjects to study, leading to SP 's
encounters with the Avengers. SP shows Thor his homeworld of Phantus
which is slowly being absorbed into Limbo and its vortex likely
pulled Mjolnir toward it. SP offers to aid Thor to get to the
planet's center to retrieve it. As they descend through the sky, they
pass a plane dropping tiny vibro-mines; one hits Thor and he is
severely shaken, so he gathers a bunch of them in his cape and flings
them back at the plane that dropped them, shaking it to pieces. On
the ground, the Thunder God is hit by a plasma bomb, a sticky goop
that drains a body of all moisture; Thor just rips it off him and
kicks the tank that fired it into junk. Thor then takes the wrecked
tank and compresses it down to a makeshift hammer and smashes away at
tanks and soldiers. A graviton bomb is dropped on him and it
increases his gravity so that everything around him is attracted,
burying him under a rapidly growing pile of junk; he is able to throw
it all off and continue on his mission, hurling his new hammer to
take down several planes. Thor and SP enter a building where the
Thunder God takes about two seconds to clobber all the guards and
they come to a portal in the ground that will take Thor to the center
of the planet where it exists half in real-time and half in Limbo.
Thor jumps in—and is trapped. Space Phantom is using him as a
timeless cork, causing the planet to slip back into its own time. And
worse: in two realms at once, after sixty seconds without Mjolnir,
the entire left side of Thor's body changes into that of Dr Donald Blake....