Comic Browser:


Thor #498

May 1996
William Messner-Loebs, ?

Story Name:

Life Preservation


Thor #498 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 3 stars

Thor and the Enchantress are invited over by Victor Prazniki who wants protection from his enemies. Prazniki tells them about a sword he owns called Raven’s Eye which was supposedly created by the Norse god Votan and passed down through the centuries until it was given to him by a cartel in return for assistance with some shady business dealings. Prazniki explains that he wants Thor to guard the sword and his family, teen daughter Annie and second wife Silvia, who are usually bickering. Prazniki asks Thor to accompany Silvia and Annie to a safe house where they will stay until Prazniki can send the sword to a museum. After they leave, Amora starts to negotiate a generous stipend….

The limo is stuck on a downtown street, repairs for the recent earthquake blocking traffic. Thor leaves the car to speak to Officer Kim Gaunt, who may know about the derelict Odin he spotted last issue. Kim tells him of a guy called Wad and points out his usual alley hangout as a black helicopter descends. It opens fire and Thor pushes Kim out of the way, then hurls Mjolnir, sending the copter crashing into a building, and the hammer drops into his hand. Then metal tentacles rise from the excavation and seize Thor, Kim, Annie, and Silvia, dragging them below the ground. The derelict Wad sees this then he descends into the ground to see what is going on. Thor and Kim are alone underground; the two Prazniki women are gone. When Thor meets Wad, he recognizes him as his father Odin but the old man just mumbles incoherently over his dead son Thor (whom he killed) and his dead realm Asgard. Thor tries to question him but the old man makes no sense. Kim draws Thor’s attention to the trail left by the metal tentacles and they follow….  

Victor Prazniki learns from the television that his family has been kidnapped with Thor; he then receives a call asking for the sword in exchange for his daughter’s safe return. Following the instructions he drives to a remote area of the city and descends with the sword into the sewer….

Thor and company proceed through the sewers and trip a wire that causes the ceiling to collapse; Thor hustles them out of the way. They spy a lighted doorway and enter. There they find Loki sitting smugly with the Praznikis bound and gagged. Thor threatens him but Loki reveals that the place is rigged with explosives and he now has the sword—but Odin seizes it, power shoots through him and suddenly Thor, Kim, Annie, Silvia, and Odin discover they are in a Dungeons & Dragons style fantasy world….



Review / Commentaries

Thor #498 Review by (June 26, 2024)

Review: So, suddenly Victor Prazniki suddenly owns a magic sword that was never referred to previously and it’s supposed to be central to the story? Sound like the writer decided his story was going to be a bit dull so he threw in some extra goofiness. It’s the usual 90s excesses and oddball art with a story that mostly makes sense. And the final panel reveals that the next issue will either be a classic—or total nonsense. 

Comments: Part three of five parts. The sword Raven’s Eye was first seen in JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #104; this is its second, belated appearance. As Thor is trying to subdue the winged horse, Silvia appears with the group though she had been kidnapped by the bad guys. Credited with pencils: Danny Bastinoni, Pino Rinaldi, Mike Deodato; credited inkers: Brad Vancata, Andy Lanning, Mike Deodato. The letters page has one by Chris Karnes, who may be the future podcaster of that name. 

> Thor comic book info and issue index


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Kotobukiya Marvel Universe: Thor The Bronze Age ARTFX Statue, Multicolor
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Preview Pages

Marie Javins
Mike Deodato Jr. (Cover Penciler)
Mike Deodato Jr. (Cover Inker)
? (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Jon Babcock.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

