newly repowered Thor is flying over New York when he spies a message on a
rooftop: “Thor must die.” He descends to investigate and encounters a warrior
calling himself Razorfist and boasting of how he is going to defeat the
powerless Thor and take his place in the Avengers. Razorfist has a female
accomplice called Spiral who is dubious about this plan. Thor blasts the baddie
with a bit of lightning and immobilizes Spiral’s Vortex-staff with a touch.
Thor then snatches them into the air, flying over Central Park where they see a
nightmare in the making. A drug sweep has gone wrong and two gangs, the Hawks
and the Aryan Dream, normally enemies, have joined forces against the quickly
overwhelmed police. Thor, lecturing the two would-be Avengers on the qualities
of heroism, descends into the midst of the gangs and sets them down so they can
battle the baddies. To help, Thor summons great winds to blow away several
gangsters, then, rain, lightning, and thunder, ending with an earthquake. The
gangs all subdued, the wounded police officer, Kim Gaunt, thanks him for his
intervention, introducing him to a little girl named Darcia, who was caught in
the crossfire. Aryan Dream members surround Thor, Kim, and Darcia, planning to
take them hostage. Thor raises his hammer—and it fizzles out. The baddies
smile—and then Razorfist jumps in and starts clobbering the baddies. The Aryan
Dream leader, holding a cop by the throat, defies Thor to call down lightning
upon him so Thor uses his voice…and then Thor spies an elderly vagrant and
recognizes him as Odin. He glances away then back, and the man is gone….
home, the Prazniki family is nearly killed by a sudden burst of gunfire through
the window. Making sure his wife and daughter are all right, Victor decides
that he must hire Thor for protection….