Thor is summoned to the Baxter Building and he enters to
discover it is a surprise party thrown by the Fantastic Four to thank him for
saving Franklin from Doctor Doom during the Heroes Reborn event. Thor realized
that the only way to ensure the boy’s safety was to spin Mjolnir, trapping
himself and Doom in a rift between realities, willing to be trapped forever if
it would prevent Doom from wrecking the world. But then an event occurred and
the two were transported somewhere else and Thor has no memory of those days….
Then we’re made privy to the mystery: Thor landed on a
desert planet Balatraan where he is rescued by a woman named Ceranda, a
sorceress who was banished to the planet’s arid surface for her crimes of
magic. After Thor was healed from his wounds, he tried to depart from the
planet using Mjolnir but he kept encountering a barrier, preventing him from
leaving. Ceranda advised him to make the best of things so he settled down with
her, creating a home and a farm….
Meanwhile, Doctor Doom had landed in the technnopolis at the
heart of the planet; he first created a scanner so that he learned where Thor
was because only the Thunder God’s hammer could get him off the planet. Doom
then manipulated the citizens so that he first repowered his armor, then
repaired the armor, followed by conquering the city. Then he was ready to
confront Thor, backed by a small army of citizens forced to follow Doom by his
threates to their families. Doom demanded Thor’s hammer, warning him that he
has a device that would flood the world with poison gas, should Thor refuse.
The God of Thunder overwhelmed Doom and his army, then located the gas weapon,
disabling it. He was hailed as a hero and he returned to the surface where he
discovered the Doom he had defeated was an imposter. Then he learned the truth:
Doom’s target was Ceranda and she was now dying because Doom had drained her of
her magic power. Doom made her confess to Thor that she was the one who brought
Thor and Doom to the planet and kept Thor from leaving, manipulating him into
being her companion as she was lonely. Doom departed and the dying Ceranda told
Thor she had only enough magic to send him back to his own world but he would
then forget all about her….
And now Thor tells the FF that he has no memory of his
whereabouts in the time when he and Doom were missing. Thor opens Franklin’s
gift and it is a toy hammer, expressing the friendship of the FF and the boy
toward his hero Thor….