Comic Browser:


Thor Annual #4: Review

Dec 1971
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Story Name:

The Living Planet!


Thor Annual #4 Synopsis by Seahammer

Reprints the following stories:

"They Strike From Space!" from THOR #131

"Rigel: Where Gods May Fear to Tread!" from THOR #132

"The Boyhood of Loki!" from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #113


Review / Commentaries

4 stars

Thor Annual #4 Review by (January 19, 2015)
Comments: All-reprinted material, though only two out of the three issues in the Ego the Living Planet arc. Next annual: 1976.

> Thor Annual comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Jack Kirby
Vince Colletta
Jack Kirby (Cover Penciler)
Vince Colletta (Cover Inker)
? (Cover Colorist)