Valkyrie Jane Foster
ferries the dead hero Heimdall, not to Valhalla, but on a journey to learn what
lies beyond all. She uses the magic weapon Undrjarn to open a portal to the
spaces between world. They enter Heven where they must fight off the Angels,
enemies of Asgardians; another portal takes them to Hades but one that is
oppressed by the Anti-Tree which has turned the realm—and its ruler Pluto—into
a dead and decaying mess. Fighting off a band of silvery demons, they enter the
Anti-Tree and reach a realm unseen by all eyes. Jane releases Heimdall,
grateful and full of wonder, into his new home….
Suddenly Jane finds herself back in New York, floating far above the ground.
The flying horse approaches and reveals that he can talk (in a Northern English
accent) and gives his name as “Mister Horse” (actually “Mister ‘Orse”). Jane is
now responsible for him and she rides him home, wondering where to keep him in
her apartment….
Her flight is televised and the villain Grim Reaper, who had hired Bullseye to
kill Val and now knows that the All-Seeing Heimdall is gone, is watching and
vowing to take advantage of that fact….